Table of Contents
DokuWiki is an open source software designed to bring wiki based software with less server tasking capabilities. What this means is, DokuWiki has less processes required to run the software that allow the server to run faster and more efficient. The major benefit to DokuWiki is the fact that all the files that run DokuWiki are saved in PHP files, instead of storing the content in a Database.
Manually installing DokuWiki
- To get started installing DokuWiki on your server, download the software from the DokuWiki site at the following URL. you will need to select the dokuwiki-2012-10-13.tgz “Adora Belle” link on the “This is the last “stable” version of DokuWiki” section.
Once the DokuWiki site files are downloaded, the file should be named the following:
After downloading the DokuWiki files, you can upload and install the program on your server. Let’s set up DokuWiki on your server now.
- If you are not installing DokuWiki on the main domain or an Addon domain, Create a subdomain for the DokuWiki site.
- Upload the dokuwiki-2012-10-13.tgz file through the cPanel and extract the file to the server.
Next, visit the domain that DokuWiki was uploaded to in your browser. The url for the installation is:
Replacing with the domain you set up for DokuWiki.
On the DokuWiki installer page, fill in the Administrative login information.
Admin login specifications Wiki Name: This is the site name for your wiki. Superuser: Administrator username for login. Real Name: The name that will display on the website when writing articles. E-mail: The email that will receive contact form submittals and other notifications. Password: This is the password for the DokuWiki admin login. Initial ACL policy: This can be open, closed, or public. Select Open Wiki. License type: Leave the default, CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. Click Save.
Now the DokuWiki installer will display “The configuration was finished successfully.”
Click the “your new DokuWiki” link.
Go to your server folder where DokuWiki was installed and delete the install.php file.
Now when visiting the domain DokuWiki was installed on, The site will look like the snapshot to the right.
Congratulations, your new DokuWiki site was installed successfully.