Inserting internal and external links in DokuWiki

Due to the nature of DokuWiki code, inserting a link that navigates internally and externally is done differently than other programs. Where most sites allow standard HTML code to be inserted, DokuWiki has its special code to create navigation.

There are 2 types of links, internal and external links. Internal links link to a page within your wiki site for navigation. An external link is for linking to another website that is not a part of your wiki. These are usually for reference on an information source. This article will explain the steps on inserting a link that links to an existing page in DokuWiki and the steps for inserting an external link.

An internal link is a link that tkes you to a page on your own DokuWiki site. This is for linking to other articles within your wiki. This section swill explain how to insert an internal link.

  1. Log into DokuWiki. Get url from address bar DokuWiki

    Before we insert the link, we will show you what DokuWiki uses when linking to internal pages.

    Go to the page you want to link to. The last part of the url in the address bar is what you use to link to another page. In this case,, The last part is as follows:


  2. Now, Go to the page you want to inset the link into. Click “Edit this page to the right.
  3. Highlight the text you want to make an internal link out of and click the Insert internal DokuWiki internal link icon link icon in the WYSIWYG editor.
  4. Select teh lonk Wizard DokuWiki

    Select the page you want to link to within your wiki. You should see the page in the list of pages within your DokuWiki site.

    Code for the internal Wiki code

    Now the code for the link will be inserted into the page. You will see that the part of the url for the page is the first part and the second part is the Text the link is for. In this case you will see the following:

    [[helping_community|Helping Each other]]


  5. Preview of internal link DokuWiki

    When done, save the changes and the link will look like the snapshot to the right.

An external link is whused when you need to link to another wbsite page that is not a part of your DokuWiki site. The foillowing steps will explain how to insert an external link.

  1. Log into DokuWiki.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to create an external link for and click “Edit this page to the right.
  3. Highlght the text to link DokuWiki

    Insert the text for the link you are creating and click the External Link DokuWiki external link icon button in the WYSIWYG editor..

  4. Create the external link DokuWiki

    The code for an external link will look like the following.


    Preview of the External Link Dokuwiki

    Save the page and you should see the link display like the snapshot to the right.

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