Adding the File Resource Module to Moodle Courses

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Other nice features built into Moodle are the resource modules. The resource modules allow the administrator to upload or create materials, within the Moodle Course. This is to give the students the material required for completing the Course successfully. Unlike the last tutorial, Adding questions to a quiz using the Question bank where the module is an activity, this article will begin to touch upon the Resource modules. The object of this tutorial will be the File Module.

Uploading Files Resources with the File Module

  1. Log into the Moodle Dashboard.
  2. Once in the Moodle Dashboard, select the course and click the Add an activity or resource button to add a File. Select the File radio button and click Add.
    Add File Radio Button
  3. Enter the Required Name and Description fields. Below are the settings available within the File Module.
    General: Name and Description goes here.
    Content: This is the file that will be uploaded. Files can be dragged to the Select Files window. Options: This is for display and sizing options.
    Common module settings: The Resource can be hidden or made visible to the class.
    General File Module Settings
  4. In the content section, for learning purposes, an html document will be uploaded containing a list of HTML tags for reference. Drag an image into the Content box. This will upload the file to the server. Click Save and return to course.
    Drag and Drop File into Content Section
  5. Once finished uploading the file and adjusting the settings, go to the Course section where the File Resource was placed and click the title of the Resource.
    Selecting Resource Title

    The final result should look something like the following snapshot. In this case, the HTML document that was loaded to the content box displays within the moodle file module.
    View of File Resource Module in Moodle

This concludes the tutorial for adding a file resource to Moodle. Please check the next article on Labeling Activities and Resources with the label Module in Moodle. For more information on this Education Channel please visit Adding an activity or resource to a course in Moodle.

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