Moodle blocks |
Activities |
This will display the Course Activities when the administrator is logged in. This provides a quick navigation for the administrator. |
Admin bookmarks |
This block is for the administrator. The bookmarks allow the administrator to save specific links to pages in the Moodle site. |
Blog menu |
Links to blog entries. New posts can be added in this block. |
Blog tags |
Creates a tag cloud for the blog entries. (No Image) |
Calendar |
This block views the site wide events for the Courses. Also the Users and groups can be viewed in the calendar block. This is added to the navigation by default. |
Comments |
Displays comments. |
Community finder |
This block includes a link to search public community hubs. Theses hubs have downloadable and enrollable courses. |
Course completion status |
Displays a link to the students progress in the Course for the teacher and the student. |
Course/site description |
Displays a summary of the Course. |
Courses |
Displays navigation links to the courses for enrolled users. |
This block enables HTML to be displayed. Embedded Video, audio, and other functions can be added to this block. |
Latest news |
Displays the latest news. New topics can be added through this block as well. |
Logged in user |
Displays the logged in users. |
Login |
Displays the login prompt. |
Main menu |
Displays the front page links. This is added to the navigation by default. |
Mentees |
Provides access to the Mentees profile. (No Image) |
Messages |
Lists the new messages on the navigation. |
My private files |
Allows users to display their private files in the Navigation. |
Navigation |
This is the default navigation block set by default. Displays the Home, Site pages, My profile, and My courses. |
Network servers |
Allows the user to navigate to other Moodle sites. (No Image) |
Online users |
Displays the logged in Users in a particular course. |
People |
Shows a link to online users in a course. |
Quiz results |
Displays the users quiz results. |
Random glossary entry |
Displays random glossary terms. |
Recent activity |
List the recent use of course activities, resources, posts and more. |
Recent blog entries |
Shows the recent blog activity in the navigation |
Remote RSS feeds |
Lists external RSS feeds. When the external RSS feed changes the Remote RSS feed block will update. |
Search forums |
Adds a search box for the forums to the navigation. |
Section links |
Provides links to each course section in a Course. |
Self completion |
Shows the students completed course submissions. |
Settings |
Displays the Front page settings, My Profile settings, Site administration, course administration and other necessary functions for developing the Moodle site. |
Tags |
Creates a tag cloud from tags. |
Upcoming events |
Summarizes the future events in the navigation. |