Moodle 2.3 Plugin Overview

Table of Contents

Moodle 2.3 has the capability of enabling, disabling, installing and uninstalling plugins that are used for the Moodle site to function. Plugins are used in the activities and resourcres, assignments, and many more functions within the Moodle site. Before installing any new plugins that are not in the original Moodle installation, lets overview what the default Moodle 2.3 plugins contain.

Default Moodle plugins overview

  1. Log into the Moodle Dashboard
  2. plugin-overview-1-select

    Navigate to Site administration > Plugins in the settings section to the left.

    Note! Not all plugins are installed by default. The installed plugins will appear in the list of the plugins section in the Site administrators Settings. The install directories are referenced from the location where Moodle was installed.

    For Example, on a cPanel server the Moodle installation directory may look like:

    Any reference to a directory like:

    Will reference the directory like the following:

    Plugins can be updated through the Plugin Overview if the plugin has an available update. The following table overviews the default installed plugins.

    Default installed plugins
    Activity modules The activities module is used for adding different user interactive behaviours in course sections such as Quizzes, Assignments, Glossaries, and so forth.
    Directory location: /mod.
    Assignment plugins The default Moodle 2.3 Assignment plugins are:
    Submission plugin: Generates forms for assignment submissions.
    Directory location: /mod/assign/submission

    Feedback plugin: Generates forms for assignment feedback.
    Directory location: /mod/assign/feedback

    Blocks The blocks plugin allows for blocks to be configured in the navigation.
    Directory location: /blocks
    Message outputs This plugin allows the Messaging to work over different forms such as email or jabber.
    Directory location: /message/output
    Authentication Enables authentication for the users.
    Directory location: /auth
    Enrolments Allows the enrolment of users into courses.
    Directory location: /enrol
    Text editors Enables HTML editors.
    Directory location: /lib/editor
    Licences Stores any license required for plugins.
    Directory location: path unknown
    Filters This plugin coverts text. Text can be highlighted or transformed.
    Directory location: /filter
    Repositories This plugin allows users to connect to external sources.
    Directory location: /repository
    Web services Allows different coding languages like JSON or SOAP to have code added to their functionality.
    Directory location: /webservice
    Question behaviours This plugin controls the interaction between the user and the questions.
    Directory location: /question/behaviour
    Question types Adds a variety of different question types available for quizzes.
    Directory location: /question/type
    Plagiarism prevention This plugin will match user or student submitted material to Plagiarism prevention programs.
    Directory location: /plagiarism
    Reports Provides reports for the site administrator.
    Directory location: /report
    Admin tools This plugin enables scripts for the administrator to edit the site.
    Directory location: /admin/tool
    Local plugins Provides local customization.
    Directory location: /local

  3. plugin-overview-2-view-moodle

    Click Plugins overview. This section will list the installed and available plugins for the Moodle site. Plugins that can be uninstalled will look like the snapshot to the right.


    Plugins that are a part of the Moodle software are shown like the snapshot to the right. These cannot be uninstalled in this section.

    The plugins overview will display the plugins that are installed in the Moodle site. The following table will show what the overview will show.

    Plugins overview
    Plugin name Lists the name of the plugin.
    Source plugin-overview-4-source-moodle

    Shows the development source of the plugin. Examples are Standard, Extension, or Contributed.

    Version Shows the date the plugin was created.
    Availability The availability shows whether the plugin is Enabled enabled or Disabled disable.
    Actions The plugin can be uninstalled here. The settings can be changed on some of the plugins.
    Notes Necessary notes for the plugin. Usually shows the Required by information for the plugin.

This concludes the article for Moodle 2.3 Plugin Overview.

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