How to edit a page in Movable Type

You can create pages in your Movable Type program relatively easily. As long as the permissions for your Movable Type program are fixed, you can edit and create pages through the Movable Type Dashboard The following tutorial will explain how to edit a page in your Movable Type site.

Steps to edit a page in Movable Type

  1. Log into your Movable Type Dashboard.
  2. text

    In the Admin Dashboard, select the link that says page.

  3. text

    Click the page you want to edit on the list of pages in the Manage Pages area.

  4. text

    You will see the WYSIWYG editor. Add text to the page. In this case we are making a “Coming Soon” page.

  5. text

    Click the Update button.

  6. text

    Visit your website. You will see the page on the left.

    Click the page to view it.


    Now you will see the text you added to the page..

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