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Registered users can only edit TikiWiki sites by default. Some wiki software makes it default for “non registered“ or “Anonymous“ users to edit the site. TikiWiki is not set up this way. To allow Anonymous users access to edit your TikiWiki site without logging in, you can set the permissions for the Anonymous user to “Can edit pages“.
This tutorial will explain the basics of the user permissions. The following is a step by step instruction for allowing the Anonymous user to edit your TikiWiki pages.
Setting edit permissions for the Anonymous user
- Log into TikiWiki.
Hover over the Admin link in the sidebar Select Permissions.
On the “assign global permissions” page, click the arrow next to wiki in the permissions list.
The list of Anonymous and registered user permissions setting will show.
Click the check box for the Anonymous user on the row that says “Can edit pages (tiki_p_edit)“.
Click Assign.
Now a visitor that is not logged in has the edit capability on your site.
These steps can be repeated for the following site permissions as well.
– calendar
– comments
– dsn
– file galleries
– group
– user
– wiki
– tiki
This concludes the basics for setting the Anonymous user permissions to edit. There are more permission changes you can implement in TikiWiki; however, we will only discuss the basics.