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Many Open Source Software programs like Drupal, Prestashop, Joomla, Etc., require magic_quotes_gpc to be turned off. The snapshot to the right shows the magic quotes On in the phpinfo.php page. This article will show you how to turn maging_quotes_gpc off on your server.
Turning magic_quotes_gpc off
- Login into your cPanel.
- Go to the File Manager, select your public_html directory and click Go.
- Open your php.ini with the code editor.
Find the magic_quotes_gpc line like the code below and change it from On to Off. (See image to the right)
Your php.ini should have the following code.
Save the changes.
- Make the php.ini recursive in the .htaccess.
Visit your phpinfo page by going to your domain and adding phpinfo.php at the end of the URL like the example below.
Doesn’t work. Joomla! 3 Still getting the Error : Your host needs to disable magic_quotes_gpc to run this version of Joomla!
At this time, magic_quotes should be disabled on all servers by default. Check any caching settings you may have, and clear the cache if possible.
Also confirm if you are seeing magic_quotes enabled in the phpinfo page.
Thank you,