A Guide to On-Page SEO

On-page SEO is one of the main components of SEO and can benefit your site in several ways. In this article, we will introduce you to on-page SEO, tell you why it is essential, and teach you how to optimize your content for on-page SEO. What Is On-Page SEO? Why Is On-Page SEO Important? How Read More >

Using Google Search Operators

Google search operators can help you narrow down your search results to find more specific information. In this article, we will explain what Google search operators are and how they are used, as well as introduce you to some basic, advanced, and other search operators. What are Google Seach Operators? Basic Search Operators Advanced Search Read More >

Duplicate Content: How to Fix and Avoid It

Duplicate content can confuse users and search engines, and eventually lead to lower rankings in search results if not handled properly.  In this article, we will explain what exactly duplicate content is, teach you why it can be a problem for SEO, and share some tips for how to handle and avoid duplicate content issues Read More >

8 Common SEO Mistakes to Avoid

SEO takes a lot of time and effort, but just because you put in the work, does not guarantee you will see results.  In fact, many companies spend a lot of their mental bandwidth on optimizing their website for SEO, but they may actually be doing more harm than good by making some common SEO Read More >

International SEO Best Practices

International SEO is the process of optimizing your website for different countries and languages. It can improve your website’s organic presence in international markets and help you get your products, content, and services in front of a global audience. In this article, we will introduce you to international SEO, explain its impact on your website, Read More >

Further Outreach Beyond Basic SEO

Most recently, the topic of ‘Growing your business through SEO’ has become widely popular in many blogs and articles. Putting all your marketing budget into SEO or any specific marketing field for that matter isn’t wise. No single marketing field is going to provide the growth that you are looking for. In this article, we Read More >

The Small Business SEO Checklist: 10 Tips to Boost Ranking

With the right Small Business SEO Checklist, you can improve your online visibility and drive more organic traffic to your site. SEO is not a big mysterious phenomenon, it’s a road map.  Here are ten essential tips to boost your ranking and outshine your competitors. SEO Checklist for Small Business Owners 1. Do Your Keyword Read More >

How to Choose Valuable SEO Keywords

When it comes to SEO, keywords have always been (and still are) the gold standard – and keyword research is one of the most valuable things you can do for your business. Ranking for the right keywords will help you draw in quality visitors and, in turn, increase conversions and sales. In this article, we Read More >

Finding Your SEO Ranking Online

By now, you should know what SEO is, but you’re probably wondering how you can find out what your current standing is. First off, there is not one definite #1 ranked website for any specific keyword because Google, like the Internet, is constantly changing and evolving. Instead, you can see how your website did in Read More >

What is Local SEO?

Local SEO can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes and is a great way to ensure you are effectively promoting your business in the communities you serve face-to-face. In short, Local SEO is the process of optimizing your website’s online presence to draw more traffic from relevant local search engine queries. While Read More >

What Are the Different Types of SEO?

To most people, there’s only one kind of SEO, and it’s a magical set of tricks you can use to make your website rank higher in search engine results. In reality, SEO doesn’t involve much magic (just strategic planning) and there are several different types. Typically, they fall under four main categories. In this article, Read More >

URL Structure for SEO

Making sure your website has a clear and straightforward URL structure is a great way to make your website easier for humans and search engines to navigate.  In this article, we will break down URL structure, explain why it matters for your website and its SEO, and share some best practices for structuring URLs. What Read More >

Keyword Density: Does it Matter for SEO?

Keyword density is essentially how many times you use a keyword or keyphrase on a webpage.  It has long been thought of as an important ranking factor for Google, and an essential method for helping a webpage’s ranking, but it is not as important as it once was.  In this article, we will explain keyword Read More >

Search Intent and SEO

Search intent can tell you a lot about what internet users are looking for and why they are looking for it.  In this article, we will explain what search intent is, cover the different types of search intent, and tell you how you can optimize your content for search intent to help drive traffic.  What Read More >

Crawling, Indexing, and SEO

Crawling and indexing are how Google explores and makes sense of your website, and it can have a big effect on your site’s SEO.  In this article, we will explain what crawling and indexing are, what affects your site’s crawlability and indexability, and what you can do to improve both.  What is Crawling? What is Read More >

Title Tags and SEO

Title tags, also known as page titles, can have a big impact on your site’s overall SEO. In this article, we will teach you everything you need to know about title tags. We will cover: What is a Title Tag? Why Are Title Tags Important? What Makes a Good Title Tag? Why Google Rewrites Title Read More >

Meta Descriptions and SEO

Meta descriptions give you an opportunity to introduce yourself to potential customers. They are one of the first chances you have to convince searchers your link is worth clicking on. In this article, we’ll cover what they are, why they matter, and what you can do to write high-quality meta descriptions.  What is a Meta Description? Read More >