What is AlmaLinux?

What is AlmaLinux?

CentOS was the most popular operating system (OS) based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for server environments. Now it’s dead… sort of. In December 2021, Red Hat phased out CentOS and repurposed it into what is now known as CentOS Stream. Instead of being a stand-alone production OS, it became an upstream platform (read: development proving ground) to test updates before pushing stable changes to Enterprise Linux. This pivot worried the CentOS community enough to spark the birth of multiple distributions built for the sole purpose of replacing CentOS.

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6 cPanel Alternatives

Free cPanel alternatives

Many Linux users have been looking for a CentOS replacement since the news of CentOS 8 coming to an end emerged in early 2021. Similarly, many managed VPS users have switched to Cloud Server (unmanaged) Hosting following the price increase in cPanel hosting plans recently. Below we’ll cover some of the most popular, stable cPanel alternatives available for Linux systems.

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What is a Form Factor in Computers?

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While it is helpful to understand the internal components of a computer such as the CPU, GPU, and motherboard, it is also helpful to understand the various types of form factors used for modern computer systems. The form factor describes the overall shape and size of a computer or server and generally relates to the overall function of the device. In this article we will explore various computer form factors and discuss their uses. 

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PSUs: Understanding Computer Power Supply Units

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One of the key components of any computer system is the power supply unit, also known as the PSU. This component provides power to the rest of the computer, including any installed peripherals such as graphics cards and additional hard drives. In this article we will discuss the role of power supply units as well as the importance of finding the correct unit for your computer. 

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What are Motherboards?

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In addition to a CPU and a GPU, one of the most important pieces of computer hardware is the motherboard. If the CPU can be considered the computer’s brain, then the motherboard is the central nervous system of the computer. This crucial component connects all of the various computer hardware elements and allows them to communicate with each other. In this article, we will explore the purpose of motherboards and discuss a few common types of motherboards. 

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What is Cloud Storage?

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Cloud storage is a term used to describe a service that allows users to store data on a remote server rather than on their own devices. This service is particularly useful for storing large amounts of data despite potential hardware limitations. If you run out of storage space on your mobile device, you can still save your data by utilizing a cloud storage service. In this article, we will explore the concept of cloud storage and discuss some examples of free and paid cloud services. 

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How to Get the Most Secure Cloud Storage

How to Get the Most Secure Cloud Storage

Are you considering getting cloud storage for your digital documents? There’s nothing safer than holding your important documents in a locked safe in your home. However, these days you have all sorts of important digital documents that you cannot put in a safe. All of these documents are sitting somewhere out on the world wide web. And often, you will need to share them with others.

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How to Become an SEO Specialist

How to Become an SEO Specialist

If you like spending time optimizing web pages for the internet, then you might have a calling as an SEO specialist.

In this article, we will cover what an SEO specialist is and what they do, as well as the skills needed to perform well in the role. We will also take a look at an average SEO specialist salary and tell you how to become an SEO specialist. 

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7 Professional Email Tips

7 Professional Email Tips Hero Image

In this guide, we’ll show you 7 professional email tips that you should know when using Google Workspace. Applying the latest industry-standard features for email goes a long way in helping you look professional. So follow along and see if you’re getting the most out of their available tools.

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The Complete Professional Email Etiquette Guide

professional email etiquette guide - header image

When it comes to writing emails, the etiquette involved in producing those messages will depend on the culture, purpose, and target audience for your email.  Professional email etiquette is more than just how you write, send, or create content for emails. It also includes behaviors that will help prevent issues that can affect more than just your target audience. Using good email etiquette will make you be a more efficient and professional communicator.

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Free CentOS Alternatives

6 CentOS Alternatives

CentOS 8 is no longer supported as of December 2021. Those using Linux cloud servers may have already switched to Debian or Ubuntu to get ahead of the change. But what about those who need a free Red Hat-based distribution for essential software or just prefer YUM? Here are six CentOS alternatives that may fill that hole.

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WordPress State of the Word 2021: Highlights and More

WordPress State of the Word 2021: Highlights and More

The WordPress project’s 2021 annual State of the Word address was delivered on December 14 to a live studio audience in New York City. 

The State of the Word is the annual keynote address delivered by the WordPress project’s co-founder, Matt Mullenweg. Every year, the event allows WordPress users to gather and reflect on the project’s progress as well as the future of open source. 

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