What is Hyperscale?

hyperscale hero image

One of the most common issues that affects large online operations is that they cannot scale properly to respond to increased demand. Slow loading websites, crashes, errors, all can result from an inability to scale. This is where the concept of hyperscale enters the picture. Hyperscale refers to the ability of a software system to scale appropriately in response to increased demand. In this article we will explore the concept of hyperscale and provide some examples of hyperscaling commonly in use today. 

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Best HTML Editor Review (For Beginners and Experts)

What is the best HTML editor?

Choosing an HTML editor is not a brain teaser. But it is important. An HTML editor is a program that lets you edit HTML (and other web languages) in plain text so that they can be interpreted by a web browser. Basically, an HTML editor is your ticket to creating content for the web. It’s also a powerful tool. With an editor, you can build just about any kind of website you can imagine. And most of the best HTML editors are free. But, if you want premium features and fewer hours spent on personal configuration, you have some attractive options as well.

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Best Recommendations for YouTube Banner Size and Creation

Learn about YouTube channel art including the recommended YouTube banner sizes, tools for creating branding images, and how to add them to your channel.

Our recommendations for image sizes are based on the YouTube maximum size (2560 x 1440 pixels) and the minimum size (2048 x 1152 pixels). File types uploaded to YouTube should be JPEGs or unlayered PNG files no larger than 6 MB. 

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GitHub vs Bitbucket – Version Control Sites Compared

GitHub vs Bitbucket

How do you choose between two popular, richly feature-packed version control services: GitHub vs Bitbucket? In this article, you’ll get a few simple points of reference that will help you decide. You may decide that neither of the above options are right for you, and a self-hosted private server answers the call. Either way, by the end of this article you should have all the data you need to make up your mind.

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Intent-Based Networking: Automating Network Operations

Intent-Based Networking Hero Image

In an increasingly interconnected online world, the task of managing network infrastructure has become more demanding than ever. To respond to this challenge, the concept of Intent-Based Networking has been adopted by major companies such as Cisco. Through intent-based networking, sophisticated algorithms automate the monitoring and management of network resources. In this article, we will explore the concept of intent-based networking and discuss the broader implications of the technology.

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Discord Server Uses

4 Uses for Discord Hero Image

While Discord remains a popular platform for online gaming communities, there are a variety of other uses for Discord servers. Team communication, project collaboration, and remote learning are all examples of ways you can use Discord in your personal or professional life. In this article we will explore these uses and discuss what they mean for your online presence.  

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Open Source vs Proprietary Software

Open-Source vs Proprietary Software Hero Image

When researching software, one of the most important considerations most users make is whether or not a given piece of software is free or requires payment to use. This distinction is the difference between Open Source vs Proprietary software, terms commonly used to describe the monetary cost associated with particular pieces of software. In this article, we will explore the concept of Open Source vs Proprietary software and discuss some common examples of each. 

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Learn SEO for Free (With No Formal Training)

Learn SEO for free

Learning the search engine optimization (SEO) game is still an important part of the web marketing world. Large sums of money and time are readily sunk into the costs of software and training, everyone wants to learn SEO to at least a competent level. But much of what the in-the-trenches SEO professional learns on the job can be attained (mostly) for free.

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Accelerate Your Content With Free Blogging Tools

Free blogging tools

Whether your blog is an entertaining side project or an important marketing channel for your company, you want to get most out of it. This article highlights a few important (and free) blogging tools that you should keep in your arsenal at all times. From generating ideas to syndicating your written content, these blogging tools help you get the most out of your written content.

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What is Hardware Offload?

Hardware Offload Hero Image

If you find that your server is bogged down with features that could be better handled by a dedicated hardware device, then you can perform what is known as “hardware offload” or “computation offloading”. In this article, we will explore the concept of hardware offload and provide some examples of using hardware to offload certain computational tasks.

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Unrestricted Fun: Open Source Weekend Projects

How to pick a project for an open source weekend

Getting caught up in an open source weekend project can teach you a lot, without even tipping you off to the fact that you’re learning something. That’s because the projects listed in this article are first and foremost fun. Whether it’s designing a WordPress theme, doing a hackathon, cooking some delicious recipes, or searching around for user-replaceable parts for your Raspberry Pi garage door opener, taking on an open source project can be a rewarding activity.

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6 Alternative Web Servers You May Have Missed

Alternative web servers

Choosing a web server is about much more than picking something to generate HTML. A web server can do all sorts of interesting things. At the end of the day they all serve a website to someone requesting it. But there’s so much that can happen along the way. Think about what you need from a web server that might make your website programming and maintenance easier for you, and then find out where and how the web server can help. Chances are you’ll find some alternative web servers that uniquely fits your requirements. And they’re all free, so it doesn’t hurt to look and try and test. Most of these alternative web server apps run great in a container environment or virtual machine.

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