2021 Make WordPress Hosting Team Reps Announced

2021 Make WordPress Hosting Team Reps Announced - Hero Image

The 2021 Make WordPress Hosting Community team announced new team representatives on March 30 following a nomination process and request for feedback

The Hosting Community team was established to help create a community for hosts and hosting companies that host WordPress. The team works to improve the WordPress’ end-user experience in various hosting environments through industry collaboration and user education. 

2021 Make WordPress Hosting Community Team Reps

The new team reps are:

InMotion Hosting teammates Amy Kamala and Jadon Naas have been with the team for a few years now working from their home office in Virginia Beach, Virginia, while new team members Lucas Radke (Germany) and Javier Casares (Spain) will continue working from their respective countries. 

The Hosting team was created five years ago when the WordPress foundation decided to create individual teams. Employees from the hosting industry programmed a PHP test runner and reporter configuration for Hosts to test out WordPress on their systems and servers before official releases. 

This has enabled several of the Hosting team members to set up testing for pending WordPress releases on their specific systems. Doing this helps identify potential bugs and conflicts ahead of the official releases, as well as give hosts the opportunity to have a voice in the community. 

InMotion Hosting and other hosts set this up, and then the results from each company are posted on Make WordPress with company logos next to their individual tests results. 

The Hosting team works on projects passed down from the Make WordPress Core leadership and coordinates with the Core team on hosting-related projects and bug resolution. 

Additionally, the Hosting team is also tasked with outreach and communication to hosts about changes and WordPress happenings, and they help facilitate contributor days and other WordPress community events.

You do not have to be a team representative in order to contribute. If you would like to contribute to the Make WordPress Hosting team , here’s how to can help:

You can learn more about hosting WordPress in the handbook. WordPress welcomes recommendations for changes and additions in Slack

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