The inevitable slow-down that is often associated with the summer months is upon us. School is out, the heat is in full swing, and summer vacations are on everyone’s mind. The high temperatures of the summer months may leave you with low energy levels at the office as you fantasize about relaxing at the beach, kicking back and sipping on a mai tai, and wanting to be anywhere but the work place. Don’t let the summer daze bog you down! Use this time to be productive both in and out of the office.
Here are some things you can do to stay focused and productive, even when the summer heat has you daydreaming.
1) Keep Cool: It’s summer time and the heat is sweltering, but it doesn’t mean you have to be! Make sure you are comfortable in your workspace, even if it means cranking up the AC, installing a desk fan, or finding a different location to get your work done. Don’t let the heat cause your productivity to melt with it. Keep hydrated throughout the day, or take a quick break to catch some fresh air and pick up some iced coffee. Have some fun with it too, try out a new juice or refreshing smoothie.
2) Start with the Hardest Tasks: If the morning is the time of the day you feel the most energy, start it by tackling your hardest tasks. It only gets hotter into the afternoon, but if you’ve got your momentum rolling at the start, it’ll be hard to put a stop to your productivity. Prioritizing the big tasks when you’re the most productive can increase the chances of you finishing your responsibilities for the day. Close any distraction that might get in your way, like Netflix, your cell phone, or your favorite social platform. The ability to multitask is a great skill, but it should contribute to your work productivity and not subtract from it.
3) Target your Goals: Finding yourself with a lot of free time this summer? Focus on your goals, whether it is life goals or career goals. Figure out what you need to get done in order to reach them. Don’t wait until the busiest time of the year to get cracking. This is a great time to reassess your goals, especially if you feel like they are out of reach. Remake and adjust your goals if you feel that priorities have changed and tailor them to your current needs. Break down your goals if they seem too large for you and make reaching them more feasible.
4) Summer Campaign: Summertime means summer sales! If you have your own business, consider creating a summer campaign to boost your sales for the summer. Advertise ‘Hot’ deals for a nice sizzling summer theme and plan out a marketing strategy that will help you target and reach out to your audience. Summer campaigning can effectively increase your business revenue so use this time wisely!
5) Learn Something New: Keep your brain in tip top shape by challenging yourself to learn something new like how to start a blog. Some fun tech ideas include learning how to code, putting together your own robot with a raspberry pi, building your own customized computer desktop, or attending a tech conference to learn about new technology that you are interested in. Keeping your brain busy for the summer will help you be more productive. Use what you learn and see how you can become more efficient, save money by doing something yourself, or start something new.
6) Plan a Vacation: Do you find yourself day dreaming about that boat cruise you didn’t take, or that travel abroad you didn’t have the chance to schedule. PLAN IT! Instead of fantasizing about what ifs and maybes, grab a calendar and plan your next vacation. Having something to look forward to can alleviate the stress of the work environment. If anything, your next vacation should be something you work towards by finishing up all your work before your adventure. Planning ahead of time can also save you a good deal of money with cheaper airfare and hotel deals. Plus, putting in your vacation request now will guarantee you’ll be able to take it versus waiting till the last minute when everyone’s trying to take a vacation at the same time.