What is a Hypervisor?

What is a Hypervisor? hero image

A hypervisor, also known as a Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM), is a software or firmware layer that enables the virtualization of physical computer hardware. Its primary function is to create and manage virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical host. These virtual machines act as independent, isolated instances, each running its own operating system and applications.

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3 Ways Bare Metal Servers Improve Security

3 Ways Bare Metal Servers Improve Security hero image

In an era dominated by digitization and interconnectedness, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. Organizations of all sizes are under constant threat from cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security vulnerabilities. As a response to these challenges, the concept of bare metal servers has gained prominence as a way to bolster security measures. In this article, we take a closer look at baremetal servers and explore why they are considered more secure compared to their virtualized counterparts.

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The Pros and Cons of Bare Metal Servers

Pros and Cons of Bare Metal Servers Hero Image

Bare metal dedicated servers are gaining popularity amongst businesses for their distinctive approach to providing computing resources, but what exactly are they?

Instead of purchasing a pre-configured CentOS server with cPanel and WHM already installed, Bare Metal Servers offer you the opportunity to customize the Dedicated Server to suit your individual needs.

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