Best Recommendations for YouTube Banner Size and Creation

Learn about YouTube channel art including the recommended YouTube banner sizes, tools for creating branding images, and how to add them to your channel.

Our recommendations for image sizes are based on the YouTube maximum size (2560 x 1440 pixels) and the minimum size (2048 x 1152 pixels). File types uploaded to YouTube should be JPEGs or unlayered PNG files no larger than 6 MB. 

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Learn SEO for Free (With No Formal Training)

Learn SEO for free

Learning the search engine optimization (SEO) game is still an important part of the web marketing world. Large sums of money and time are readily sunk into the costs of software and training, everyone wants to learn SEO to at least a competent level. But much of what the in-the-trenches SEO professional learns on the job can be attained (mostly) for free.

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6 Alternative Web Servers You May Have Missed

Alternative web servers

Choosing a web server is about much more than picking something to generate HTML. A web server can do all sorts of interesting things. At the end of the day they all serve a website to someone requesting it. But there’s so much that can happen along the way. Think about what you need from a web server that might make your website programming and maintenance easier for you, and then find out where and how the web server can help. Chances are you’ll find some alternative web servers that uniquely fits your requirements. And they’re all free, so it doesn’t hurt to look and try and test. Most of these alternative web server apps run great in a container environment or virtual machine.

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What is WordPress?

What is WordPress? Hero Image

You’ve decided to build a website, but maybe you’re still wondering how much work that’s going to take. Chances are, someone has told you to keep things simple and just use WordPress.

There’s no doubt — WordPress is popular. It’s easy to learn, easy to find knowledgeable WordPress professionals, and easy to get started when you get WordPress Hosting that’s designed to keep your site running quickly and reliably. But what is WordPress, exactly? What does WordPress offer that other platforms don’t?

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2021 Make WordPress Hosting Team Reps Announced

2021 Make WordPress Hosting Team Reps Announced - Hero Image

The 2021 Make WordPress Hosting Community team announced new team representatives on March 30 following a nomination process and request for feedback

The Hosting Community team was established to help create a community for hosts and hosting companies that host WordPress. The team works to improve the WordPress’ end-user experience in various hosting environments through industry collaboration and user education. 

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Cheap Hosting? What to Consider in a Hosting Plan

Title image for Cheap Hosting? What to Consider in a Hosting Plan.

There are a lot of factors to consider when you’re a small business owner setting up a website. You know that you need a hosting plan to get your website online, but what does that really mean? You may be tempted to take the first cheap hosting plan you find, throw a site online, and call it a day. If the only thing you look for is cheap hosting, instead of quality and affordable hosting, you’re making a mistake.

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What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and How Does it Work?

What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and How Does it Work? hero image

A Content Delivery Network (CDN) is something of a ‘cure-all’ for solving various issues on your website. CDNs are said to improve everything from site speed and security to account bandwidth usage. How is it that one upgrade can affect so much of a site’s performance? It all comes down to what CDNs actually do: get your site’s static content physically closer to your site’s visitors by distributing that content to other servers.

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