Make Your Own WordPress CRM System

Make your own WordPress CRM system | InMotion Hosting

Business relationships need to be cultivated. You wouldn’t leave a friend stranded without any contact. Why treat your business contacts with any less respect?

There are many tools designed specifically for customer relationship management (CRM). This is how important managing your contacts is for businesses. A monomaniacal interest in crafting perfect customer communications is not a bad habit to develop, and the antecedent is good contacts.

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What is Platform as a Service (PaaS)?

What is Platform as a Service? | Paas Explained | InMotion Hosting

Platform as a Service, also known as PaaS, provides its users with a “pay-as-you-go” software interface for developing and deploying applications. 

PaaS is most useful in automating repetitive or extraneous setup tasks (like installing and configuring software libraries) so developers can save time and resources. Distributing your development tools in this fashion can have a significant effect on your whole development team workflow.

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What is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

What is a Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?

Customer relationship management (CRM) gives you an interface for connecting with customers (old and new) to properly nurture a mutually beneficial relationship.

What Does a CRM System Do?

First and foremost, contacts. CRM is all about managing a list of customer contacts. These contacts may be names, email addresses, phone numbers, and more. The more information you have about your customers the better. Would you like to reach out to a customer on their birthday and send a nice message? CRM helps you do that. 

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Using Evernote as a File System for Business and Productivity

The power of a reference file system often goes unappreciated. As any knowledge worker worth his salt will tell you, you can’t hold every bit of information you receive in your head. No matter how spacious your mind is, you will eventually forget something important or let a good idea slip away. This is where having a more rigorous file program can ease the load.

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InMotion Hosting Pet Project: Grooming the Purrrfect Employee for Remote Work

For a lot of us, work looks a bit different these days. While several of us are doing the same jobs we’ve been doing, our new “offices” and working conditions can take some getting used to. 

Working remote comes with its own set of challenges, but the biggest adjustment to remote life? The influx of new “coworkers.”

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What is a Blog?

A blog is technically an index of web pages (usually referred as “posts”) typically displayed in reverse chronological order (newest first).

Originally, blogs were a way for people around the world to share a digital log of activities, interests, and various media (like image galleries). In many ways, smaller blogs have remained a form of digital diary. However, most high-profile blogs in recent years have been incorporated into larger marketing strategies.

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What is Linux?

What is Linux?

Linux (or, the Linux kernel) is an open source software project that powers a wide variety of computing applications. Many of the world’s most popular websites run on Linux-powered software. The Android phone operating system runs on a modified version of the Linux kernel.

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