Back to School


It’s back to school time!  Am I the only one who is excited?  I’m a giant nerd, so back to school time is a lot like Christmas to me.  I love wandering through the school supply section and buying things I just don’t need because I am not currently in classes.  (Don’t worry, that will be remedied soon).

What does back to school have to do with hosting? Our Education Hosting Packages, of course!

Educators and students alike can really benefit from hosting.  How, you say?  Well, I’m glad you asked.  I’ve detailed some of the best ways to use one of our hosting packages while in school.

  1.  You have to for class. Let’s start right out the gate with the obvious. More and more students are learning about the internet and websites. Whether you’re a developer, designer, or Server Administration student, you’re probably going to be required to have your own hosting.  We’ve dropped our prices just for people like you.  Paying for college is expensive enough, so quality hosting to ensure your grades are perfect (because I know you’re all perfect students) is imperative.
  2. Classroom Interaction.  I used to be a teacher, so I understand how difficult it can be to get students engaged in the classroom, much less outside of school.  Creating an interactive class website with activities and ways of connecting and learning from each other will keep your students learning even outside of the classroom.
  3. Creative Expression. Broadcast your skills online!  Photography, painting, poetry, song writing: all of these skills are important to continue well into adulthood. (Moody poetry is always at its best in your teens and early 20s.)  Don’t let a busy class schedule or peer intimidations keep you from your craft!  Plus, nothing impresses the ladies like being in a band more than having a band website.  Trust me.
  4. Email.  Simple as that.  Nothing is as cool as telling people your email address is or
  5. Your Future.  This one is more serious.  In a job market like our’s, having a strong technical background will take you far.  It doesn’t matter what your major is, understanding servers, Content Management Systems, and scripting language is always a plus to put on your resume.  I earned my degree in writing, but it was my understanding of technology that got me the job.  So learn it while you can, surround yourself with smart people, and brag about your awesome internet skills.

So, do you know someone starting school this year as a student or teacher? Pass this news along. We make affordable hosting even better with our Education Discounts. We love the internet and technology, and we are always working to spread that love to the world, regardless of age.

Don’t forget, Facebook was created in a college dorm room.

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