Prevent Eyestrain and Meltdowns: Avoid Burnout at Work

Avoid burnout at work

Are you spending too much time in front of the computer screen? Whether you’re a business owner with many employees or you’re a worker within a large organization, you’re probably spending most of your day in front of a computer screen (even as you’re reading this post). We work with knowledge workers every day from designers to developers to bloggers and large agencies with hundreds of clients. We know how demanding these jobs can be in terms of time and energy; and they all involve many rigorous hours in front of a computer screen.

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How Apple’s Simple Marketing is Successful

How Apple’s Simple Marketing is Successful

It’s hard to believe, but Apple was once the underdog. Back in the day, they lived in the shadow of Microsoft, struggling to make a name for themselves.

Luckily, Steve Jobs was a master of marketing. With his skill, the company was able to move up from the bottom of the pile to become the hundred-billion-dollar giant they are today. Now, marketing managers from industries across the board study Apple to figure out what makes them so successful.

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#Gratz Thread – How Our Marketing Team Shows Gratitude!

#Gratz Thread – How Our Marketing Team Shows Gratitude!

The end of the work week is upon us! Sometimes with the excitement of the upcoming weekend, it’s easy to forget everything our colleagues or even our boss has done to help through the week. Today, we want to share with you how our marketing team shows appreciation and gratitude to those who have helped them through the week.

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Let Your Website Visitors Fall Into Your Autumn Store Sale

Let Your Website Visitors Fall Into Your Autumn Store Sale

This time of season is a great time to start running sales through your online store.

E-commerce during this holiday season can be tied to a variety of different events and promotions. But how do you turn your traffic into sales? This is a major problem for many stores who see lots of people checking out the website, but very few who are following through with actual purchases. Continue reading –>

Your Website Speed Matters This Holiday Season

Your Website Speed Matters This Holiday Season

The holiday rush is nearly upon us. Have you ensured that your site is up-to-speed and ready to face the biggest shopping season of the year? Speed and reliability are essential parts of a successful eCommerce site. As more and more people shop online, and do so from mobile devices all over the world, it’s imperative that you make your site as efficient as possible.

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How Secure is Your Website

There’s an old saying that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. This goes for websites as well. Do you know just how strong and secure your website truly is?

There are several things you can do to make sure that your website is as secure as possible. Many small businesses report that their websites get attacked a few times every single day. Hackers are poking and prodding their defenses looking for any opening that will give them a foothold to do some serious damage. Continue reading –>

Do You Think Your Website Is Hacked?

Do you think your website has been hacked? Is it not loading correctly, or is there a message saying that it was hacked? It can be overwhelming to know what to do. In this article, we want to help you take the first steps to securing and ensuring that your website is operating properly. Let’s go over several signs of a hacked website. Continue reading –>

Save Money and Increase Productivity by Running a VoIP System on Your Dedicated Server

Could your dedicated server actually help you to save money? The immense power and adaptability of InMotion Hosting’s Dedicated Server solutions mean they can provide unparalleled control, performance, and security for your website. But, there are so many other things these systems can do that few of us have ever really stopped to consider. One idea could actually help you save money on your phone bills every month!

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Do I Need a Dedicated IP Address?

Do I Need a Dedicated IP Address? - Hero Image

Website hosting providers typically offer set packages with different features customers can choose from based on their needs. One of the important decisions businesses have to make is whether the IP address that comes with their server is sufficient or if they need to upgrade to a dedicated IP address.

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