Are you looking to generate passive income this year now that you have built your own website and web hosting with Website Builder? The publication of famous books like The 4 Hour Work Week has long promoted the advantages of passive income and it is easy to see why: making money while you sleep is just about every person’s dream.
So how do you make that dream a reality?
Many people are turning to the Internet to find a way to promote themselves and their products as a means of earning passive income. But if you’re going to do this, you must be willing to put in two key elements—your time and your money. The concept is that once you get the apparatus for earning money in place, you can sit back and let it roll in. But it won’t happen until you put the early work in. If this sounds like something you’re interested in, then read on!
Develop Your Own Product
If you can design your own product, then you can put it on the market, do some promotional work and then watch the sales roll in. It’s usually not quite that simple, but depending on your product and income expectations, it can be.
One model of this is if you can find a way to turn your job into something you can “automate” with an e-book. E-books are easily published these days.
Let’s say that you work as a tutor for high school and college students, many of whom don’t know how to properly study. You can keep tutoring student after student, earning by the hour and realizing that you have a finite number of hours that you can tutor. Or, you can develop an e-book or e-course that will teach the buyer everything that you’d normally teach.
With this product, you don’t have to repeatedly tutor students and get paid by the hour — you can instead sell copies of your book or course and let the money roll in.
Develop an Online Course
Piggybacking off the last point, you can also develop a website using web hosting with website builder that lets you sell your own online course. This doesn’t have to be an academic course per se. It can be anything that you are good at that you want to show the world, such as real estate or stock market advice or how to develop websites.
As long as you have an expertise, you can develop the curriculum and materials and then sell that to people online.
Get Paid with Advertising
One of the most popular forms of passive income can be found on YouTube and the iTunes store—advertising. With YouTube, savvy business people create a video channel that generates interest and eventually gets that person thought of as an expert in their field.
Once people start logging in to watch your videos, you can then garner the support of advertisers who will pay you to be a sponsor of your videos or to allow them to advertise at the bottom of the videos. The same can be true for podcasts on iTunes and other platforms.
Once you establish a base, even in areas such as beauty products or video game playing, you can then turn that into passive income from advertising.
Get Web Hosting with a Website Builder
Web Hosting with a website builder is an essential tool if you want to begin earning passive income this year. By choosing to use Website Creator, you can build your own site and get it hosted on the Internet so that you can sit back and let the money come in. But before you can do that, you need to sit down, find the paths that you wish to take towards passive income and design your site that can help you do it.