How to Create Your WordPress Website on Your Phone

How to Create Your WordPress Website on Your Phone

People do everything on their phones these days, from checking emails to shopping to setting appointments. But building a new website? You can’t do that, right?

Wrong! With the WordPress app, you can quickly and easily create an exciting, unique site – right from the palm of your hand. Web design couldn’t possibly be easier.  

Let’s jump right in and learn how you can get started on your own site today!

Why WordPress?

First, let’s start with the basics. There are dozens of platforms you can use to build your website (and some of the others offer the ability to build from your mobile device as well). So why choose WordPress?

In a nutshell: it’s easy to use, highly customizable, and completely free.

Approximately 19 million websites run on WordPress today, and that number just keeps growing. In fact, it runs about 63% of the total websites on the Internet (and lots of big-name businesses, like the New York Times and BBC America, use it).

Here are a few of the reason we love it:

  • WordPress is an affordable option. Unlike some other platforms, it is free to download, deploy and customize. In addition, many of the themes and plugins are totally free as well. The only thing you have to pay for is your hosting service and a domain name.
  • WordPress is easy to customize. With literally hundreds of different themes and plugins available to use, creating a unique look is easy. At the most basic level, themes allow you to change the look of your site, while plugins change the functionality. So, for example, a theme might be used to change colors, add logos, or update the background, while a plugin might be used to add a contact form or a shopping cart. The best part? Typically, you can do all the customizing you want with no coding experience.
  • WordPress makes content creation easy. You know what they say: content is king. If you have an online business, it’s likely that you publish content on a regular basis – whether it’s blogs, videos, podcasts, or something else. Luckily, WordPress makes sharing (or in the case of blogs, creating) any content you have super easy. Uploading files is fast and customization is simple with easy-to-add forms and galleries. Want something more complicated? Page builders allow you to choose from pre-built elements and put them together in any way you want.
  • WordPress is secure. As a business owner, you are of course concerned not only about the safety of your own data, but your customers’ as well. You can rest easy knowing that WordPress’s core software is highly secure and regularly updated by developers. In addition, there are several steps you can take on your own to make it even safer, from installing a security plugin to running regular backups. Running a WP complete backup is vital for keeping your data safe!
  • WordPress comes with a huge support network. As the most popular CMS provider in the world, it should stand to reason that WordPress comes with a lot of support. From WordPress itself to blogs, forums, and social media groups, there is always someone out there to answer your pressing web design questions.

But can you do all that from the app? In one word: yes. WordPress’s mobile apps for Android and iPhone allows users to create posts, upload photos, moderate comments and more.

Before you can do that, though, you need to create your site. Here’s how you can do it straight from your phone:

Creating a WordPress Website Via a Mobile Device

The first step is to download the WordPress app on either your Android device or your iPhone or iPad. As soon as you’ve created an account, you’ll see a page that says, “You don’t have any sites.” From there, click on Add New Site > Create site.

At that point, the Quick Start guide will take over. A series of prompts will walk you through creating your site, including selecting a theme, customizing your site, creating your first blog post, and more.

Setup is quick and easy and at the end, you’ll have a professional looking, custom website to share with your customers and prospects!

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