For a lot of us, work looks a bit different these days. While several of us are doing the same jobs we’ve been doing, our new “offices” and working conditions can take some getting used to.
Working remote comes with its own set of challenges, but the biggest adjustment to remote life? The influx of new “coworkers.”
Don’t get me wrong, it’s always great to see an eager look in the eyes of our newest recruits, but we also know they’ll take some training to make them obedient coworkers.

And not all employees are the same, so onboarding times may vary, but luckily for us, they’re mostly all ears.

And sure, some of them are really on top of things, even chomping at the bit to get to work.

But others have a tough time staying on task, and honestly, it’s a little alarming how many we’ve caught sleeping on the job.

They’ll also take some time to figure out company communication protocols, and sometimes, they just spew nonsense instead of helping the situation.
In one slack channel, teammates were scratching their heads when one person replied to a message with “2+30.65.” Turns out he didn’t send it, but when he stepped away from his computer, his cat did. Or so we believe. We asked the cat if he sent the message but he has chosen to exercise his right to remain silent.

As slow learners, this new class of IMH teammates still hasn’t been able to master the art of social distancing. Many of our new hires struggle to grasp the concept of personal space or do not respect others’ boundaries. And then some just seem to have a knack for getting in the way.

And while we can’t say for certain, but we’re pretty sure we’ve never seen teammates so food-motivated.

Watch out if they get hangry. You might have to deal with some prickly personalities.

But no matter the headaches they might cause at times, we still love our unique coworkers, and we wouldn’t change a thing about them. Except maybe some of the smells…