Making Small Business a Reality
As a small business owner, you wear many hats during the initial phases of selling your product or service. You need to get a lot done but may not have the time or even the skill sets. You need to design a flier, but you don’t how to use Photoshop. Or you need to file state, local and federal taxes but you have no clue about accounting. You have figure it out as you go along. It’s daunting to say the least.
Along with a million things you need to do to run a business, add to that a website that’s excruciatingly slow, has multiple server crashes and to top that a hosting company that doesn’t really care about you. Sometimes it seems like as a small business you never get a break!
You are not alone, but there is hope for you!
This week the Small Business Administration has announced its annual “National Small Business Week” and InMotion Hosting couldn’t be happier to be part of it. The National Small Business week – May 4th to May 8th – put on by the Small Business Administration (SBA) has been announced by the President of the United States since 1963 in recognition of the colossal contributions that American small business owners and entrepreneurs have on this country’s ideals and economy.
InMotion Hosting believes it has the responsibility to support the American Dream by providing the hosting infrastructure, services and support that allow small businesses have a presence on the internet. Whether your small business is in a garage or in a high-rise office. Whether you are on your own or have a team. A website is your business’s access to the over 3 billion people connected to the web, and we’re here to help you get (and stay) in front of them.
Tag your business posts with #BizInMotion & #DreamSmallBiz if you’re a small business yourself or to show your support for small business!
Every business idea starts as a dream, and this week – you can make that dream a reality with a website.
We’re not here to just sign people up for hosting – we’re here to see your website through to launch and support you post-launch! That’s real talk, it’s not a pitch. We believe in supporting businesses. Even our flagship product is named Business Hosting.
InMotion is employee-owned with a core set of values, not influenced by the motivations of shareholders. With our U.S.-based customer support centers that are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and our multiple US server locations, InMotion Hosting wants your American business grounded and running after the moment you sign up on a hosting plan.
Related: Read our “Core Values: What Does Your Business Stand For?” blog post
You may not reach success today, but we believe you’ll be closer to it than you were yesterday once you start your website.
Because we know the American entrepreneur. We are one of them.