Trust is a very tricky thing these days.
When it comes to building trust, it takes time and numerous opportunities to prove yourself. And when you lose someone’s trust, it can be almost impossible to repair it.
That is especially true when it comes to the internet. When visitors load your webpage, you have about six seconds to earn their interest with your layout and design. But if you are trying to market products or services to your visitors, you are going to have a harder time earning their trust.
People naturally get defensive when approached with a sales pitch and they think you may be putting pressure on them to buy. So how do you earn their trust?
In the business world, you may have heard of trust-building exercises. Well, let’s look now at some website trust builders:
Upgrade your visuals
People can spot a stock photo a mile away, especially the ones that seemed to get recycled over-and-over on websites. If your images come across as “fake” or “posed,” then you are going to have a hard time earning a visitor’s trust. To fix this, try to include authentic photos of your products, employees, and facilities. This will humanize you with a real image of your team, but it can also save you money from not having to buy stock photos.
Personal reviews
When you look at sales websites like Amazon, you will notice that one of the first things people look at are the reviews and if the reviewers are “Verified Purchasers.” This type of authentic testimonial is something you can use to build trust in your website.
Don’t just include glowing one-sentence reviews that are anonymous. Instead, use full paragraph testimonials (the more detailed the better) and get permission to use the reviewer’s name and, if possible, picture. This puts a human face behind your reviewers.
Design and Speed
It’s important to have a professional looking website that loads quickly. In order to achieve this, consider using platforms such as Website Creator to design a site that looks professional and is optimized for speed. If a website looks hastily thrown together, then the customer won’t trust you with their business. If the site takes too long to load, they will think that you don’t really care about your products or services as you don’t have a website that can handle standard visitors. This is where Website Creator allows you to easily get powerful hosting and all the tools to build a beautiful website.
“As Seen on” Logos
Another feature that will make your website look professional are “As Seen On” logos. If your business receives any kind of media attention on a television network or in a print magazine, then you can include a section on your website that states “As Seen On” and includes the logo of the media outlet. This can show that you are getting positive press in mainstream markets and are a trusted brand.
In addition to showing off your positive media recognition, be sure to include any awards or certifications that you have received. For businesses, this could be awards or distinctions from consumer groups. With blogs, you may want to include any writing awards that you might have received. By touting your own abilities, you will show that yours is a voice to be listened to and believed.
Trust building is an important part of getting business teams to work well together. But it is just as equally important to help build trust in your business with certain tweaks and design aspects of your website. By taking the time to make your website look as professional as possible, you will gain the trust of your audience so that they can have confidence in your goods and services.