If you’re one of the thousands of people who have used website builder hosting such as WordPress to create a website, then you’re probably aware that you can’t just sit back and rest on your laurels. Websites are like living creatures that must continue to grow and evolve if they are to keep up with the competition.
What’s New with WordPress Builder Hosting?
Let’s look at some of the biggest things we can expect from WordPress this year:
- Mobile websites will dominate—Prior to this year, it has been the standard to create a website and then find a way to adapt it so that it is readable on a mobile device. However, this year, it is anticipated that the tables will turn now that almost two-thirds of all websites will be viewed on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. With that in mind, websites will now generally be developed with mobile devices in mind first and then adapt for those who view the website on a desktop or laptop.
- WordPress 5.0 will be a game changer—This year we saw a rollout of WordPress 5.0, including a block-based editor called Gutenberg, named after the inventor of the printing press. This change could possibly be as much of a revolutionary event as that device was to the printed word. The block-based editor will make it much easier to create custom themes and templates without having to code. This will make it easier for the average person to take control of their website. However, because so much will be changing many are worried they may not like it. (After all, people often fear change.) Because of this, the move over to 5.0 is optional for the time being; but people are already developing classic platform plugins that will let you keep the older format.
- eCommerce will continue—Another trend that will continue to grow is the importance of eCommerce websites. Expect to see plugins developed that will integrate well with eCommerce to make transactions more secure and easier.
- Videos will require some hardware changes—Video content has been growing significantly for the past few years as connection speeds are increasing. WordPress will now make it easier to create video headers that will loop and give you an even more professional and advanced looking website design. However, this will make your web page load times increase and slow speeds if you don’t secure better hosting services. As more features get added, it will become necessary to procure advanced hosting such as Virtual Private Servers (VPS) or cloud-based servers to help accommodate the new demands.
- Chatbots will become more intuitive—If you have ever gone to a website and had a customer service representative bubble pop-up on the screen to help you, then you have met a chatbot. These are programs that simulate a real person who can answer questions about a product or service. Generally, these are basic with pre-programmed answers. However, 2019 will see an increase in more personalized chatbots that can give your visitors a better customer service experience, an aspect of business that is essential to success.
Keep up with Your WordPress Website
Website Creator’s easy-to-use website builder hosting for WordPress is an essential component if you want to create a successful website. This will get your site ready and on the Internet quickly.