How to Get a Dedicated Server


How do you know if you should get dedicated server hosting? If you currently host your website on a virtual private server (VPS), and your website or application is underperforming, consider upgrading to a dedicated server.


Look Past the Hardware Specifications

While hardware specifications are important, having reliable and professional support is essential. If something was to happen to the server or you have questions, having the ability to get ahold of experienced technical support to help you resolve the issue is crucial. InMotion Hosting has an expert systems administration team standing by to tackle any challenge or concern that you may have.


What Guarantee Do They Offer?

When signing up for Dedicated Server Hosting, make sure the company offers a money-back guarantee. This protects you from signing a year contract and finding out within two weeks that your website is inaccessible twenty-percent of the time. When the hosting company has a money-back guarantee, you can analyze their service first hand and receive a full refund if the service is not what you expected. InMotion Hosting understands this and that is why we offer a thirty-day money-back guarantee on all dedicated server plans.


What Level of Server Access Do You Get?

This is an important question, as depending upon the server access which you are granted, you may or may not be able to manage and configure your dedicated server. InMotion Hosting believes that you should have complete access to your dedicated server as if it was truly your own in-house server. With complete root access, you can install nearly any and all software you need, make modifications to services, as well as manage maintenance and updates.


Is Advanced Support Offered?

If you need assistance installing a script or configuring a complex software setup, then does the hosting company have expert-level advanced support? We believe that not only should you have quality server performance, but also expert level support. We believe this so much that we have built an entire department in our company just to provide this advanced level of support. Though there is usually an extra fee associated with Advanced Product Support, our dedicated team of support representatives are eager to assist you 24/7.


Talk to a Sales Representative

If you are unsure regarding which hosting package to choose, we recommend that you speak with one of our knowledgeable sales representatives. They are experts with all of our products and will be able to thoroughly explain to you the right plan for your needs. If they aren’t familiar with your specific setup, they will certainly reach out to one our system administrators to obtain that information for you. We want to make sure you get the best possible Dedicated Server Hosting along with terrific support.


Be Upfront About Your Goals

Being open and upfront about your goals and dreams for your dedicated server hosting is important as it allows us to ensure that you get the best possible product. This also allows our team to give you an honest assessment of our hosting abilities and what we can provide.


Keeping Within Budget

It’s easy to go over budget on Dedicated Servers. Sometimes just because the server has a large list of features, does not mean that you really need it. Working with one of our representatives will allow you to work within your budget, as well as find the perfect hosting solution.


Web Traffic

You should definitely take into consideration the number of visitors per month you are expecting. If you are expecting a large number, selecting a hosting package with a high data transfer limit would be a wise choice.


Application Processes

The higher the number of processes used for your application, the more processing power you need. We recommend that you estimate the processing power which you think your application will require, and then increase that limit a bit farther. This will allow you to ensure you have room for growth.


Hard Drive Disk Storage

File disk space is something that everything requires. If you have reached maximum disk space, it can not only prohibit growth, but also affect the overall uptime of your website. You will want to figure how much space your website or application will take and then increase it by twenty to thirty gigabytes to give you room for future growth. Once you have this number, you can find the specific hosting plan which would fit appropriately.

4 Steps in Getting a Dedicated Server

Step 1: Understand What You Need

Step 2: Contact a Knowledgeable Representative

Step 3: Research

Step 4: Purchase


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