InMotion Hosting Wellness Initiative Winners

InMotion Hosting recently wrapped up two new wellness initiatives for associates. From April 8th – July 12th IMH held it’s first Biggest Loser competition. Competition was based on individual percentage of weight-loss from weekly weigh-ins. $25 gift cards were awarded weekly to contestants with the highest percentage of weight-loss in both our Virginia Beach and Los Angeles offices. The grand prize was awarded to Celena B., a member of our Customer Care Team! Celena received bragging rights and a $100 gift card.

Our second wellness initiative was I Work Out! Quarterly associates submit verification of gym visits or exercise classes that they attend. Based on the number of times they visited the gym or attended an exercise class, determines how many raffle tickets they receive. Congratulations to Robert A., a member of our Technical Support Team for winning a $50 gift card towards continued wellness.


Biggest Loser Champ- Celena B and I Work Out Winner- Robert A
Biggest Loser Champ- Celena B and I Work Out Winner- Robert A