Top Performers Lunch

At InMotion our Executive Team is very involved with getting to know everyone at InMotion, regardless of their position. The Executive Team always makes it a priority to attend as many of the office events as possible. Getting to know team members at InMotion on a one on one basis is important to the Executive team as well. One of the ways they do this is by hosting a “Top Performers” lunch. Recently Sunil Saxena, Executive Vice President, came to Denver to take the top performers in the Support Department to lunch.

Max M who attended the lunch said “It was quite motivating to know we have a great leader who is interested and involved in improving all aspects of the company.” Another team member, Nathan J, who also attended the lunch  added, “Meeting with Sunil and being able to talk over lunch was certainly a highlight. Going over future goals, new products and how we can personally grow in our skill sets, were just a few things that stood out. Having a leader who personally cares about the success of each of the agents makes working for InMotion Hosting incredible.”

Would you like to join our amazing team? We’re currently hiring Technical Support Representatives in our Denver office! Send your resume to For a list of all our open positions, click here.

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