Girl Scouts Code-a-Thon at InMotion Hosting

Spring is a favorite season for many. But not because the flowers are blooming or the weather is warming up for the first time in months. It is a favorite because spring is the season of Girl Scout cookies! 

This spring, InMotion Hosting was excited to continue our partnership with our favorite cookie suppliers for a local Girl Scouts Code-a-Thon. We were able to host badge events for Brownies, Juniors, and Cadettes. Our younger groups met all requirements for the Coding for Good badge while the older girls fulfilled the requirements for the Cybersecurity Basics badge. 

In total, we had 22 girls visit our Virginia Beach office. Our volunteers from InMotion Hosting led the discussion about trailblazing women in tech, coding and cybersecurity fundamentals, the influence of AI technology, and even hosted some games all before capping off the event with pizza and snacks. 

For the third year in a row, we’re happy to cover the costs for these events, including the badges and custom patches for all participants. Investing in our future STEM leaders and making sure girls are empowered to claim their space in the industry will continue to be a priority as we develop more events in the future.

Thank you to our volunteering team members who helped organize and host the Girl Scouts Code-a-Thon and to the Girl Scouts of Colonial Coast for providing resources and marketing to make sure it reached whoever may have been interested in attending.

If you want to know how you can get involved with the Girl Scouts, you can follow this link to explore local opportunities.

Girl Scouts Code-a-Thon Custom Patch Design

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