How to configure private message settings in phpBB 3.0

One feature you may wish to allow in your phpBB site is the ability to send provate messages. These are much like emails that members can send from one to another without making a public post. As the administrator, you have the ability to adjust settings to customize the behavior of the messages.

Configuring private message settings in phpBB 3.0

  1. Log into your phpBB admin dashboard.
  2. From there, click on the General tab if the screen is not already focused on it.
  3. From the General tab you will see there several categories on the left hand sidebar. Click on the Private Message Settings link found under the Board Configuration category.
  4. You are now on the Private Message Settings page. This page is broken up into two sections. The first is the general settings which covers the parameters the feature will work with such as numbers of messates, where they are stored, etc. The second is the general options, which are toggles to enable and disable specific attributes of the private message feature.
    list of settings for private messages

    Private Messaging Select Yes to allow members the ability to send private messages to each other.
    Maximum private message folders The number of personal folders a member is allowed to create.
    Maximum private messages per box The maximum number of messages that can be in a members mailbox at once.
    Full folder default action Select how any new messages are handled when a recipients box is full.
    Limit editing time Sets the amount of time a member has to edit an undelivered private message. Set this setting to 0 to make it unlimited.
    Maximum number of allowed recipients The number of people a single private message can be sent to. If the setting is set to 0, then it is unlimited.

    The options section lists a number of settings that can be turned on or off.
    list of general options

    Allow sending of private messages to multiple users and groups If disabled, members can only send private messages to one recipient.
    Allow BBCode in private messages When enabled, members can use the BBCode to enhance their messages.
    Allow smilies in private messages Allows the use of emoticons in the private messages.
    Allow attachments in private messages Allows the members to send attachments to each other if enabled.
    Allow signatures in private messages If Yes is selected, members can use signatures in private messages.
    Allow print view in private messaging Allows a print view of the message.
    Allow forwarding of private messages If enabled, members can forward private messages to another recipient.
    Allow use of [IMG] BBCode tag Toggle to allow or disallow the use of the [IMG] BBCode specifically.
    Allow use of [FLASH] BBCode tag Toggle to allow or disallow the use of the [FLASH] BBCode specifically.
    Enable use of topic icons in private messages Allows the use of specific topic icons.
  5. Once you have configured your settings to your liking, click on the Submit button to save.

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