How to Compose an email in Roundcube

There are two webmail options available with InMotion Hosting; Roundcube and Horde. While they all let you access and create emails, the interfaces are a little different. In this tutorial, we will show you how to compose a new email in RoundCube.

Composing an Email in RoundCube

  1. Login to webmail with the email account you want to send from.
  2. Click Roundcube from the webmail options.
    Select Roundcube

  3. You will then be logged into your webmail via Roundcube. Click the Compose button.
    Creating an email in Round Cube

  4. You will then be on the email composition page in Roundcube. Fill in the To, and Subject fields, then type your email message in the body.
  5. When you have typed your email, click the Send button. You email will then be sent to the recipient.
    creating an email in RoundCube

Congratulations, now you know how to compose an email in Roundcube!

InMotion Hosting Contributor Content Writer II

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2 thoughts on “How to Compose an email in Roundcube

  1. I want to know how to turn off auto-send, Sometimes I receive a 2nd or even 3rd email from the same person in a very short time. If a situation has changed, I want to deleted one or all of my replies. I can’t do that w/ auto-send turned on.

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