One of the many features available in concrete5 is the ability to create surveys. These surveys can be used to gauge customer satisfaction, gather information, or simply as a fun way to engage with your website audience. Fortunately, concrete5 surveys are highly customizable and can be perfectly tailored to suit your needs. In this article we will outline the process for creating surveys in concrete5.
Creating Surveys in concrete5
- First, log into your concrete5 account.
- Next, open the page editor.
- With the page editor open, access the block menu by clicking the + sign.
- From the Social Networking section of the block menu, drag and drop the Survey block onto the page. This should then open a menu where you can set up the survey.
- In the menu, the first section is titled Question. This is simply the question you wish to ask in your survey.
- Next is the section titled Target Audience. This is where you can specify which users can access the survey. Setting it to the public means anyone can participate in the survey, whereas setting it to Only Registered Users means that only users who have registered on your site will be able to participate in the survey. This can be useful for preventing spam entries.
- The next section titled Survey Results allows you to set the survey so that it does not display the results and instead shows a custom message.
- The final section, titled Survey Options is where you have the ability to add options for users to select as answers to the survey questions. To do so, simply enter the option into the blank space and click Add. Feel free to add as many options as necessary for your survey!
- Once done, click Save to complete the changes.
Congratulations, you now know how to create surveys in concrete5!