How to Change Your cPanel Password

Your cPanel password can be reset from within the Account Management Panel (AMP) or after logging into cPanel. In this guide we will show you how to do both.

Did you know? You can manage multiple cPanel accounts with our Reseller Hosting packages.

Video: How to Change Your cPanel Password

Reset Your Password Within AMP

  1. Log into your AMP
  2. Click Reset Password.
    Reset cPanel password in Account Management Panel
  3. The Reset Password page will load, fill in your new password twice and click SUBMIT.
    Resetting cPanel Password

    You will then see a message stating Your password has been reset.
    cPanel Password changed

Reset Password From cPanel

  1. Log into cPanel.
  2. Click “Password & Security” in the Preferences section.
    Link to Reset cPanel Password
  3. You can change your password by filling in the fields and clicking Change your password now!. Be sure to use a strong password.

    Type your old and new passwords

Way to go! You should now be able to log into your cPanel with your new password.

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65 thoughts on “How to Change Your cPanel Password

    1. You should always use different passwords for cPanel and AMP. AMP is a much higher ‘level’ of access than cPanel and, to follow security best practices, you never want to use the same password for two accounts– especially when one of those accounts controls the other. This is especially important if you give an employee or a developer cPanel access. There is no software rule stopping you from using the same password, but it’s strongly encouraged that you use a different secure password for each.

  1. hi I have accidentially generate and reset password without record and now I can not log in to the cpannel as well as I don’t know what user inside the cpannel to reset password.

    Please help…my user is ******* 

    Regards, nathan

    1. I recommend resetting your password via AMP as described above since it does not require you to know the original password.

      Thank you,

    1. There is only one login per cPanel, so you can provide this to your developer, and it is best advised to update the password when the developer no longer requires it.

  2.        i would like to know we made one websites with huge data from outsourse now for security we want to change our cpanel password .one question more that after creating new the company which made our site can change or steal deal our website …….




    dhananjay vishwakarma

  3. Couldn’t log back into C-Panel after changing password.  My ID changed to something else. I have no clue what . . 

  4. is the “support center login” on this page yet something else that needs another username and/or password?

    I actually know my cpanel username and password–that is, I have a record of it–but since I can’t login I don’t know which is wrong.

    1. Your cPanel user name and password are not the same as a login for our Support Center. You will need to create an account separately for the Support Center, and login with those credentials instead.

  5. The tutorial on changing my cpanel password shows a field which does not exist in my cpanel window. There is no Change Password field …

    1. There is no Change Password field. There are fields for the new password and then a change password button.

  6. Hello,

    After changing my cpanel password, I cannot login to my cpanel. Is it possible that my cpanel account was supended ?


  7. Dear Sir,

    We have a problem in our email. We can’t open the message com on this way LOG IN ATTEMPT FAILED.

    Please help us how to open.

    We’re waiting your response soonest.


    Thank you


  8. On my reseller account, for a few of the Word Press sites, any change in the cPanel Password results in the site going down, with a message “Cannot connect with database”.  Changing it back to what it was before brings the site back up.  Why is that, and how can I change the Password for those sites?

    1. cPanel password changes should have no effect on the sites themselves. If it continues, you may want to contact the Live Support to see if they can find out the source of the issue.

  9. hello guys, ca’nt access to my cPanel, from the first day, I always access to there from AMP, today try to made the same, but not workink, then, do try reset the passw from AMP and all ok, the message is  that the passw is  changed, continue, but when try to login in cPanel again with the new passw, not working.



    1. Hello Nina,

      Thank you for your post, sorry to hear you are experiencing issues. You can update your credit card in AMP at any time.

      Live Support is available 24/7 365 days a year, feel free to contact them for assistance. There is no wait for phone support at this time.

      Thank you,

    2. Hello,

      Thank you for contacting us. When you sign up for a Hosting Account with InMotion, you will be given access to AMP (Account Management Panel).

      Thank you,

  10. Hello John, Thanks for you help bt till then it didnt work out in my case. It still giving me error telling that “network error, try again and contact your network service provider”

    I dnt knw wat cud be the probs?


    please anyone help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hello Sangay,

      Sorry to hear you are still having trouble. Did you attempt to contact your your network service provide?

      At this point it would would be most helpful to see the results of your Ping and Traceroute.

      If you do not want to post it here publicly, please contact Live Support.

      Thank you,

    2. I need to change my amex card number… i can
      t figure any of this out – can’t set a password – and CANNOT GET ANYONE ON THE PHONE…

  11. hello friends!!

    I have one problems that exist while login in cpanel. can anyone help me

    Regarding while login to cpanel, I was not be able to login. while login it comes error saying that:

    “network error occur while you are trying too login, contact your network service provider”

    what does this mean? can any one help me gettin out of this please

    1. Hello sangay,

      Sorry to hear you are having trouble logging into cPanel.

      As a test, try accessing your cPanel on: (be sure to replace with your actual domain name.)

      Next, perform a Ping Tracert to your website.

      If you have any further quest ions, feel free to post them below.

      Thank you,

  12. I logged in with cpanel user listed in technical details of my account (7 characters ending with a number), but I see this message: “login invalid”.



    1. Hello James,

      Sorry to hear you’re having problems with your cPanel password. The information provided above is for recovering a cPanel password for an account hosted with InMotion Hosting. If your domain is NOT hosted with us, then you will need to speak with your host in order to determine how to recover you cPanel password. The instructions above for resetting the cPanel password would require that you already be able to login to the cPanel – and the Account Management Panel (AMP) instructions do not apply to non-Inmotion Hosting accounts.

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

  13. Hello! I tried to login into my cpanel using a password that i’ve created, which is not the same of amp login, but i can’t connect. I’m sure that the password is right, what can i do? I tried to reset password but did not work.


    Luca Di Bello

    1. Be sure that you have the correct cPanel username as this would not be the same as AMP. Your username will be listed in AMP within the header for those account options. This will be 7 characters ending with a number.

    1. Hello Opeifa,

      Thank you for contacting us regarding your site getting hacked. I first recommend following our guide on Recovering from a hack. It includes steps you need to take to help prevent a repeated attacks on your site.

      I also removed your site name from this public forum post for security purposes.

      Thank you,

    1. Hello Tanveer,

      There can be many passwords involved in a website. Which password did you mean? You said not the cPanel website. Did you mean the AMP password by chance? If not, please give a few more details.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  14. To reset your password you need to remember the old password… what do I do if I don’t? 

    1. Hello Midia,

      The section entitled “Reset your Password within AMP” is how you can reset your cPanel password without knowing the current one.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  15. We just recently fired another employee. I just want to make sure that person cannot access their old company account without the assistance of our web administrator (via the master cpanel account) Please advise.

    1. Hello Ms. Business Exec,

      As this guide explains you can change your cPanel password, which would deny access to anyone that still just had the old password to access the account.

      Now take note that you might want to also update your billing and contact info in AMP to ensure your ex-employee doesn’t retain any control over not just your cPanel, but your account with us in general.

      We verify accounts with the last 4 digits of the credit card on file, or the original cPanel password of the account. So if this ex-employee knows this information, you can request to update it in your ticket.

      – Jacob

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