Drupal 8 Release

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Drupal 8 Has Arrived!

The wait is over! After a long and tedious process, Drupal 8 is finally completed. The folks in the Drupal community have worked long and hard to bring you the biggest, bestest Drupal ever. With hundreds of improvements and new features, you can get started by upgrading your site today! Get more information on Drupal 8 here!

Straight from the Drupal 8 release updates page, here is a list of features Drupal 8 brings to you.

  • In-context, what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editing and previews
  • Comprehensive content modeling out of the box with entities, fields, and views
  • Customization of content pages and even forms and administrative pages via the administrative interface
  • Full translatability and localization out of the box
  • Reliable configuration management for safe and straightforward deployment of changes between environments
  • Mobile-first, responsive, HTML5 output
  • REST-first native web services
  • Enhanced accessibility and WAI-ARIA compliance
  • Modern PHP standards and practices, with integration of popular libraries such as Composer, Symfony2, Guzzle, and Twig
  • Significantly improved front-end performance out of the box
  • Enhanced caching and best-of-class integration with CDNs and reverse proxies
  • Full compatibility with PHP7, and the PostgreSQL and SQLite databases
  • …And much more!

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