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It is sometimes best to set your site to maintenance mode when working on fixes or implementing changes. When doing so, you may also want to change the message that displays to your visitors to be more specific so that your visitors are kept up to date. Below is a quick guide to teach you how to customize your maintenance message for your Drupal 8 website.
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How to customize your maintenance message
- Log into your Drupal 8 dashboard.
Using the top menu bar, click on Menu >> Configuration tab.
You are now on the Configuration page. Find the section entitled Development and click on Maintenance Mode.
This leads you to the Maintenance Mode page. Look for the text box entitled Message to display when in maintenance mode. You can now enter your custom message to display to your visitors. The default message reads as “<yoursitename> is currently under maintenance. We should be back shortly. Thank you for your patience.”
In this example we are going to use a message that says “We are currently updating our server and should be finished by 10pm EST 1/23/2014“.
- Once you have entered your custom message, click on the Save Configuration button at the bottom. This saves your new message to the database.Remember that in order for your visitors to see the message, you will need to ensure you have enabled the maintenance mode for your site. Below is a comparison shot of the default message versus the custom message we used as an example.
Before After
Congratulations! You have just learned how to customize your maintenance mode message in Drupal 8.