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When managing member within your Drupal site, you will have the capability to regulate who can sign up. Some sites will want to allow open signups where anyone can register, while others may want to allow administrative approval. Even more strict will be sites that only allow new members to be physically added by the administrators. This article will guide you on how to configure these settings within your Drupal 8 administrative dashboard.
How to regulate member signups
- Log into your admin interface..
Using the top menu bars, click on Menu >> Configuration.
You arrive on the Configuration page. From here, locate the People section and click on the Account Settings link.
From the Account Settings page, you will see several sections. Look and find the Registration and Cancellation portion of the page. There is a subsection entitled Who can register accounts?. Configure this according to who you want to allow to register with your site and how they will verify.
Administrators Only This means that only Administrators can add new members. This will be done via the admin interface. Visitors This is basically Open registration, any and all visitors to the site can register for an account and begin using it immediately. Visitors, but administrator approval is required. All visitors can register, but the new accounts cannot be used until set to active status by the Administrators. Require email verification when a visitor creates an account. Checking this requirs the new member to verify the email account that was entered. Enable password strength indicator. Checkign this displays a password strength indicator tool to help new members create strong passwords. - Once you have finished configuring the way you want new users to register, click on the Save configuration button at the bottom of the page. The new configuration will then take effect.