Table of Contents
What is a Drupal Module?
Drupal allows you to use many different modules in order to design your website. Modules are addons, or extensions, that can be added to the core of your Drupal site. Modules typically are built to perform a single function or a collection of related functions. This article will provide you with a basic introduction to Drupal modules.
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Core Modules
There are quite a few modules that come with the default Drupal installation, these are known as Code Modules simply because they are already in the program upon installation. Some of them are already enabled and some are not. Some cannot be disabled as they are an integral part of Drupal. Others can be disabled if you wish to discontinue their use.
Contributor Party Modules
There are many third-party modules available for your Drupal site. These are known as Contributor modules as they contribute to the Drupal community by other independent developers. Some of these modules become popular enough through their use and functionality to become core modules in future releases. In Drupal 8, one of the modules that graduated from Contributor to Core is the Views module.
Can Modules Operate Independently?
While the core Drupal website can operate without modules, modules themselves cannot operate as independent programs. They must be integrated as part of your Drupal site in order to use them.
Do I Have to Use Modules?
Strictly speaking, aside from the core modules that you cannot disable, you do not have to use modules in your Drupal site. However, you will be doing your site a dis-service as modules greatly expand the features and capabilities of your site. Even if you start off with no additional modules integrated we think you will soon change your mind as you find modules that enhance both your user’s experience and your maintenance capabilities.
Where Do I Find Additional Modules?
Drupal modules can be found on the main Drupal site. Specifically, they are located in the Download and Extend section.
How Do I Get Started with Modules?
If you are ready to begin learning the basics of modules, you may start with our next tutorial on how to install a Drupal module.