Inserting HTML and links in a Joomla 2.5 plugin settings page

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In our last article, we showed you how to use spacers in a Joomla 2.5 plugin’s XML file. Using spacer fields, you can add HTML to your plugin’s settings page.

How to use Spacers to add HTML

The key to using HTML within a plugin is to change:

  • > to >
  • < to <

If we wanted to insert the following link into a plugin’s settings page:

InMotion Hosting provides the <a href=’’>best joomla hosting</a>

… We would need to change the code to:

InMotion Hosting provides the &lt;a href=’’&gt;best joomla hosting&lt;/a&gt;

Example Spacer code that prints HTML

The following is the code we added to our plugin’s XML file and the results:

<field name=”great-joomla-hosting” type=”spacer” description=”InMotion Hosting provides joomla hosting” label=”InMotion Hosting provides the &lt;a href=’’&gt;best joomla hosting&lt;/a&gt;” />


0 thoughts on “Inserting HTML and links in a Joomla 2.5 plugin settings page

  1. hi ,

    how to add  id to this link

    i need to link user using user id  how to add id to this link

    this below link not working





    1. Hello Mathesh,

      Are you trying to link them to a users profile in this component? Can you provide the full url you are trying to redirect them to?

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

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