Joomla Menu Item Types

What is a Joomla Menu Item Type?

When setting up a Joomla menu item, you need to choose the menu item type. The menu item type defines what and how the content on the next page will look like.

For example, if you choose the Single Article menu item type, that link will direct users to one individual article. Selecting the Category List menu item type will link to a page listing all of the articles belonging to the category you choose.

How do I set the Joomla Menu Item Type?

When you are in the Edit Menu Item area of your Joomla Dashboard, one of the first settings you will see is menu item type. When you click Select next to this option, you will see a listing of item types you can choose from.

What does each menu item do?

Below, you will find a brief summary and example screenshots for all default menu items. The default menu items fall under these main categories: Articles, Configuration Manager, Contacts, Newsfeeds, Search, Smart Search, System Links, Tags, User Manager, Weblinks, and Wrappers.


Archived Articles

Archived Articles: Display all archived articles.

Archived Articles

The Archived Articles menu item type shows a listing of all articles archived. As you can see in the screenshot to the right, our admin dashboard shows the Custom HTML Module and What’s New in 1.5? articles as archived, and those two articles show on the front end of the website.

This menu type also includes a filter at the top of the page to show archived articles based upon Month and Year.

Category Blog

Category Blog: Displays article introductions in a single or multi-column layout.

Category Blog

The Category Blog menu item type displays the article introductions from a category of your choosing.

We have an article category called Park Blog with two articles in it: First Blog Post and Second Blog Post. The screenshot to the right shows these articles as they appear in our Joomla admin dashboard (left) and the frontend of our website (right).

Category List

Category List: Displays a list of articles in a category.

Category List

The Category List menu item type creates a page that simply lists the articles in a category of your choosing.

To the right, you can see that our frontpage is showing all of the articles in the Joomla! article category. There are more than 10 articles in this category, so pagination is enabled.

Create Article

Create Article: Create a new article.

Create Article

If you want to allow your users to write their own articles, the Create Article menu item will help you accomplish this. Users clicking this link will go to a page where they can enter a title, alias, and enter the text for the article. They will also have access to manage publishing settings, Language settings, and Metadata settings.

Featured Articles

Featured Articles: Show all featured articles from one or multiple categories in a single or multi-column layout.

Featured Articles

The Featured Articles menu item type shows articles in a manner similar to the a category blog layout, except that the articles displayed are those set as featured articles.

List All Categories

List All Categories: Shows a list of all the article categories within a category.

List All Categories

In the example provided, the frontend view lists the following: Joomla!, Park Site, and Fruit Shop Site. These are all sub categories of the Sample Data-Articles category.

Single Article

Single Article: Displays a single article.

Single Article

The sample data includes an article named Australian Parks. As you can see in the example, the single article menu item points to a page that displays just one article.

Configuration Manager

Display Site Configuration Options

Display Site Configuration Options: Displays basic site configuration options.

Display Site Configuration Options

If you want to allow your administrators to edit site settings, the display site configuration options menu item will allow them to do just that. As you can see in the screenshot, your site administrators will be able to change (without logging into /administrator) settings such as: Site Name, Site Offline, and even your Site Meta Description and Site Meta Keywords.

Display Template Options

Display Template Options: Displays template parameter options if the template allows this.

Display Template Options

The Site template options is another menu item that allows your administrators to edit the look and feel of your site without /administrator access. In the screenshot to the right, you can see our admins can make some pretty significant changes to the template, such as the Template Colour, Background Colour, and even the Logo used.


Featured Contacts

Featured Contacts: This view lists the featured contacts.

Featured Contacts

The Featured Contacts creates a page that displays contacts set as featured in a table. In the screenshot to the right you can see that in the admin dashboard Buyer, Contact Name Here, Owner, and Shop Address are all contacts that are starred (aka set as featured). To the right, they are listed on the Featured Contacts page along with their Name, Position, Phone number, Suburb, State, and Country.

List All Contact Categories

List All Contact Categories: Shows a list of contact categories within a category.

List All Contact Categories

We have a parent Contact Category of Sample Data-Contact. Within this category are sub categories, Park Site and Shop Site. As you can see, the list all contact categories menu item is displaying these sub categories.

List Contacts in a Category

List Contacts in a Category: This view lists the contacts in a category.

List Contacts in a Category

Buyer and Owner are contacts that belong to the Staff contact category. As you can see in the screenshot, the List Contacts in a Category menu item is listing the contacts that belong to the category chosen, the Staff category.

Single Contact

Single Contact: This links to the contact information for one contact.

Single Contact

The Single Contact page allows you to choose an individual contact and create a page showing just their information. In the screenshot to the right, the user selected is Contact Name Here and the single contact page for that user displays their contact info (Address, phone number, etc.), a contact form visitors can fill out, links, and miscellaneous information about that contact.


List All News Feeds Categories

List All News Feed Categories: Show all the news feed categories within a category.

List All News Feeds Categories

We have two news feed categories, Sample Data-Newsfeeds and Newsfeeds category 2. In the screenshot to the right, you can see that these two news feeds categories are listed on the list all news feeds categories page.

List News Feeds in a Category

List Feeds in a Category: Show all news feeds within a category.

List News Feeds in a Category

Within our Sample Data-Newsfeeds category, we have three feeds: Joomla Announcements, Joomla! Connect, and Joomla! Security News. In this screenshot, you can see links to these three RSS feeds are shown on the list news feeds in a category page.

Single News Feed

Single News Feed: Show a single news feed.

Single News Feed

The Joomla! Connect news feed, at the time when this tutorial was published, had the following two pages listed: Phoca Gallery 4.1.0 Released and JoomlaMagazin: Die Ausgabe 1/2014 ist da. The single news feed menu item shows the RSS feed for the particular news feed that you choose.


Search Form or Search Results

Search Form or Search Results: Display search results.

Search Form or Search Results

In the screenshot to the right, you can see a search form with settings such as All words, Any words, and Exact Phrase. Creating a search form or search results menu item will create a standard Joomla search page.

Smart Search


Search: The default search layout.

Smart Search

The Search menu item, by default, looks much simpler than the search form or search results menu item. It displays a search box, and the advanced search features are only visible after clicking the Advanced Search button.

System Links

External URL

External URL: An external or internal URL.

External URL

The External URL menu item in our testing is setup to point to is listed in our right menu, and it will direct users to

Menu Heading

Menu Heading: A heading for use within menus, useful when separating menus with a separator.

Menu Heading

If you have many links in a single menu, the Menu Heading gives you a way to add text between links to help separate them. In the screenshot to the right, the text Menu Heading is a Menu Heading menu item.

Menu Item Alias

Menu Item Alias: Create an alias to another menu item.

Menu Item Alias

In the screenshot to the right, the links Single News Feed and This is a menu item alias both point to the same exact URL. If you want one menu item to point to another menu item, use the Menu Item Alias menu item to accomplish this.

Text Separator

Text Separator: A text separator.

Text Separator

The text separator menu item is very similar to the Menu Heading menu item. It helps you to organize a long list of menu items by adding text between them. The menu heading is a heading and therefore stands out more, where the text separator is supposed to be more subtle.


Compact list of tagged items

Compact list of tagged items: List of items that have been tagged with the selected tags.

Compact list of tagged items

The compact list of tagged items menu item allows you to choose one or more tags and create a page that lists all articles tagged with those tags. It appears to be very simliar to the tagged items menu item, the only exception being that the list or article links displayed is much more compact.

List of all tags

List of all tags: This links to a details list of all tags.

List of all tags

In the screenshot to the right, you can see that we have 4 tags setup: Green, Lime, Red, and Yellow. The List of all tags menu item creates a page that lists all of these tags. As you click each tag, it takes you to a page listing all articles tagged as such.

Tagged Items

Tagged Items: This links to a list of items with specific tags.

Tagged Items

We have 4 articles tagged with Red. The screenshot to the right shows that the Tagged Items menu item creates a page listing all articles that have been tagged Red.

Users Manager

Edit User Profile

Edit User Profile: Edit a User Profile.

Edit User Profile

The Edit User Profile menu item goes to a page where logged in users can edit settings such as their Name, Password, and their Email Address.

Login Form

Login Form: Displays a Login Form.

Login Form

The login form creates a page for users to enter their username and password. If they don’t know their credentials, the user can user the forgot your password and forgot your username tools. The don’t have an account yet? tool will link them to the user registration page.

Password Reset

Password Reset: Displays a request to Reset Password.

Password Reset

The password reset page will show the user their profile details and the basic settings for their account. They can then click the Edit Profile button to go to a page where they can reset their password.

Registration Form

Registration Form: Displays a Registration Form.

Registration Form

The Registration Form menu item brings the user to the User Registration page. Here, they can enter in their name, desired username, etc. and register for a new account on your site.

User Profile

User Profile: Displays a User Profile.

User Profile

The User profile menu items links users to a page very similar to the password reset page. The two pages actually appear to be identical.

Username Remind Request

Username Remind Request: Displays a Username Reminder Request.

Username Remind Request

The Username Remind Request page allows users to enter their email address, and Joomla will email the user their username.


List All Web Link Categories

List All Web Link Categories: Show all the web link categories within a category.

List All Web Link Categories

In our Weblinks we have a parent category of Sample Data-Weblinks, and two children categories: Park Links and Joomla! Specific Links. The List All Web Link Categories menu item creates a page listing the two child categories. The user can then click on any of the categories listed to see a listing of links belonging to the chosen category.

List Web Links in a Category

List Web Links in a Category: Displays a list of Web Links for a category.

List Web Links in a Category

In our weblinks category of Joomla! Specific Links, we have three links: Joomla!, Joomla! Forums, and OpenSourceMatters. The List Web Links in a Category menu item creates a page showing all of the weblinks in the weblinks category we chose.

Submit a Web Link

Submit a Web Link: Display a form to submit a web link in the frontend.

Submit a Web Link

On the Submit a Web Link page, users can submit their own weblinks. They’ll be directed to a submission page, where they can enter details about the link such as the link title, link alias, and any tags to associate the weblink with.


Iframe Wrapper

Iframe Wrapper: Displays a URL in an Iframe.

Iframe Wrapper

When configuring an Iframe Wrapper menu item, the most important setting is the URL. In our testing, you we entered as the URL. As you can see in the screenshot to the right, the Iframe Wrapper page shows in an iframe – showing the user while keeping them on our site.

0 thoughts on “Joomla Menu Item Types

  1. Can u give a tutorial about how to build a website from scratch, give example tutorial. thank’s.. all your article you’ve made are very usefull and helpful..

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