Editing the Footer Banner module text in Movable Type

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Default footer text Movable Type

By default the Movable Type site will have their branding at the bottom of the footer. In order to remove the branding from the footer and add your own site copyright information, you will need to edit the Template Modules. Below will explain how to edit the footer in your Movable Type site.

  1. Log into your Movable Type Dashboard.
  2. Templates in Movable Type

    Go to Design and click Templates.

  3. Banner Footer module Movable Type

    Select Banner Footer in the “Template Module” list.

  4. Default code for footer text Movable Type

    Find the code you want to change. In this case its the following code: (See image to the right)

    Powered by <a href="https://www.movabletype.org/"><$MTProductName$></a> 

    Add you code to the footer Movable Type

    We will comment this code or you can just delete it. Then place you own footer text. The below code is what we will place in this example.

    <p>Copyright © 2013 Web Design by Webmaster</p>

    Save the changes.


  5. Publish the pages Movable Type

    Go to your pages and publish them all.

    New Footer text Movable Type

    Now you will have your own copyright text at the bottom of the site.

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