How to Set Your Movable Type Homepage

In this tutorial we will show you how to set your home page for Movable Type. Movable Type creates a Main Index page by default, we will remove this page and set a page you created as the main page.

Setting Your Homepage:

  1. Create a page in Movable Type you want to be your homepage. 
  2. Click the Pages link in the navigation menu, then click your page on the list.
  3. In the publishing section on the right, click the Edit button under Filename.
    editing the filename in movable type dashboard
  4. Replace the filename with “index” (be sure to use all lower case letters). Then click the Update button.
    saving index.html filename in movable type
  5.  Click the Design link in the navigation menu. In the Index Templates section, click the check box beside the Main Index option, then click the Delete button.
    removing the default index page from the template
  6. Click the Pages link in the navigation menu, then select all pages and click the Publish button.
    republishing all of the pages in movable type

    A message will pop up asking “Are you sure you want to publish this page?” click the OK button. The page you renamed index in Step 4 will now be your homepage.

Congratulations, now you know how to set your homepage in Movable Type!
InMotion Hosting Contributor Content Writer II

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