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Using the Movable Type QuickPost bookmarklet

In this article I’ll be showing you how to utilize the QuickPost bookmarklet in MovableType, to quickly begin creating a page based off a remote page you find on the Internet.

Sometimes when you are out crawling the web, you might run across something of interest that you’d like to write about. Movable Type gives you the ability to quickly begin this process by just clicking on a bookmarklet in your web-browser when you’re on the current page you’d like to write about.

Adding the QuickPost bookmarklet

  1. Login to your Movable Type admin dashboard.
  2. click on pages link

    Under the Websites tab, click on the pages link.

  3. click on new page

    From the left-hand menu, under Pages, click on New.

  4. drag quickpost bookmarklet to bookmark bar

    Now you want to click and drag on the link QuickPost to My Movable Type Site, and drag it up into your web-browser’s toolbar.

  5. click on quickpost bookmarklet

    Now I’ve navigated in my web-browser to the InMotion Hosting support center, and I can click on my QuickPost to My Movable Type Site bookmarklet to start writing about it.

  6. quickpost info filled in

    The QuickPost bookmarklet will open a new window straight to a MovableType new page with the info about the site I was on already filled in. I just entered in some text of my own I just ran across this awesome support site, check it out! but the QuickPost bookmarklet added the rest.

You should know understand how to use the Movable Type QuickPost bookmarklet to quickly start writing a new page based off a remote website you’ve found on the Internet.

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