Table of Contents
In this article I’ll discuss how you can disable the product reviews that are enabled by default with OpenCart. These product reviews show the star rating that a user has left on an item, as well as a text review of the product.
You can approve or disapprove a product review in OpenCart from the admin dashboard by following the steps in our article on approving a review of a product in OpenCart. When you disable the product reviews this also removes the social media buttons for sharing the product with friends, and in this article I’m going to show how to accomplish this.
Disable OpenCart product reviews
- Login to the OpenCart admin dashboard.
- Hover over System in the top menu, then click on Settings.
- Click on Edit to the far-right of your store name.
- Click on the Option tab.
- Under the Products section, for Allow Reviews select No.
- Click on Save at the top-right of the screen.
You should now understand how you can disable product reviews in OpenCart so that they will no longer display on your items. You might also be interested in learning how to remove rating and reviews from the product comparison page as well.
Please note that when doing this it also removes your social networking share buttons, so if you’d like to still have those available, you can follow my guide on how to keep social networking links with reviews disabled in OpenCart.
hi…thanks forhelping to remove the review part…and can ou please help me to remove the star rating below the products….because with out rating my website looks like a ghost website…so please help me…thanks in advance
Hello Hdtoner,
Check out this link from the official opencart support forums. If you’re making customizations with OpenCart that are not normally part of their documentation, then we can only provided limited support for the issue. You may need to speak with a developer or contact OpenCart support for further assistance.
If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.
Arnel C.
Wow thank you! I had been looking everywhere for the way to disable reviews! 😀
Is there a way to edit the text the users see?
(My problem is that instead of leaving review for the products, people use the feature to ask questions – which we often don’t see/can’t answer. I wish I could keep the feature but rephrase the text to emphasize it’s for REVIEWS only.)
Hello Gen,
You would need to edit the comments directly from the database.
Kindest Regards,
Scott M
Yes this is indeed very helpfull, although it could get slightly improved if more pictures of the backend were added to this.
Great tutorial.