Change OpenCart 1.5 URL – How To

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This is a tutorial on how to change your OpenCart URL. There are various reasons for changing your website’s URL, such as testing our website on your Temporary URL, or you may just want to use a different domain name for your site.

We will walk you through editing and updating 2 .php files in order to accomplish this.

Changing Your URL

  1. Using FTP or File Manager, navigate to the root of your OpenCart installation, and locate a file titled config.php.
  2. Edit the config.php file, and locate the lines that look like this:

    // HTTP
    define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’);

    // HTTPS
    define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, ‘’);

  3. Change the existing URL (I hilighted the part you need to update in red) to your new domain name, then save the modification.
  4. Now, locate and edit the config.php file located in the: /admin folder. You will see several lines that look like this:

    // HTTP
    define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’);
    define(‘HTTP_CATALOG’, ‘’);

    // HTTPS
    define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, ‘’);
    define(‘HTTPS_CATALOG’, ‘’);

  5. Update the existing URL (I hilighted the part you need to update in red) with your new one, then save what you have done. Your OpenCart URL has now been changed in the config.php files, and your site will function on the new address.

Congratulations, now you know how to change your URL in OpenCart by modifying the config.php files!

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41 thoughts on “Change OpenCart 1.5 URL – How To

  1. Hello Kien Dao,

    Sorry for the issue with your URL rewrite. It appears that you’re getting a 500 error (which is very general) based on that final re-written URL. You should check that URL and test for the issue without the re-write in place. You will need to speak with a developer/programmer if you’re not able to put together your .htaccess file entries for your website.

    If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

    Arnel C.

  2. Hi! Currently using opencart & wants to upgrade it to latest version without losing my data. Please help.

  3. I installed OpenCart so that is under a folder, like this:  Is it possible to leave the installation like that, but have the user go to and see my store, without having to type the extra oc/ at the end?

  4. I did what was showed above….changed all lines in both config.php files but all it does is take me to the actual web page, not my open cart admin site and now I cannot access my open cart admin site


  5. Please help,

    I made a test link of the open cart website . The live website link is ******.com

    The test link website URL is *****.com/testlink

    Issue => The test link is not working properly.

     When you will visit the test link, the products will be switched on the live URL on the  second product

    Kindly let me know if there is any confusion to understanding.

    Thank you

    1. Did you copy the site over or did you do a fresh install and then add the content? What is your purpose with the subfolder? Are you looking to move your site or were you trying to create a separate test site? Also, what specific version of OpenCart are you using?

  6. Hello Arn. Thank you very much for the help.

    Images now work well (I had forgotten to add the last “/” in the urls of the config file), but I still have 404 errors on pages.

    I turned off the friendly urls and have left the panel and the products are displayed without problem. Its OK! But, then I re-enter and activate the friendly urls and returns the 404 error 🙁

    1. Hello Carlos,

      The images look correct on that site – at least for the front page. If you’re getting 404s, then it’s possible that you need to TURN OFF caching or search engine friendly URLs. Once these have been turned off, click on save, or exit the administrator. Then go back in and re-enable them. This allows the database to re-written with the updated URLs if the site has been moved.

      If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

  7. Hi! Thanks for the post. I have change the urls of my store but now I cant see the images!! 🙁


    What can I do?

    1. Hello Carlos,

      Thank you for contacting us. Can you provide a link to the site with images missing?

      Thank you,

  8. In the DEFINE’s should we include the ‘www’ or not?

    // HTTP
    define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’);

    // HTTPS
    define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, ‘’);


    // HTTP
    define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’);

    // HTTPS
    define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, ‘’);


    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hello Chris,

      Generally, the SSL includes the WWW as part of the link, but it just depends on what URL you want the customers to see. So, if you want WWW to appear when it jumps to the HTTPS version of the link, then you should include it.

      I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance.

      Arnel C.

  9. Hi I would like to change certian parts of my page urls. An opencart module name which shows up in the url i need hidden so how can i hide it?? I dont think its in the config file but it looks like this :



    I dont want people to know how i can hide the “tester” part so would i be able to do that??

    1. Hello Soyeb,

      This article is about changing the main domain URL in your OpenCart. You would need to know how to code an htacess rewrite rule to alter the full URL of a site. Unfortunately we do not provide custom coded solutions for such things currently.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  10. my domain name is

    when i open any product it looks like that

    but i want it to be shown like that

    How is it possible?

    1. Hello Saif,

      You can enable SEO urls by going to System > Settings > Edit > Server from within the admin dashboard. There is an option for Enable SEO Urls, just enable that and refresh.

      Best Regards,
      TJ Edens

  11. Hi Scott,

    Yes, we entered our domain anywhere is in the code and changed the template code to https from http and removed the www. We tried different configs but nothing there had any effect.

    I tried to force SSL as in your artical as well. Still nothing. The domain shows secured, just not visually when site is loaded.




  12. Hello Scott,

    I just got off the phone with my host. The host was not able to resolve the issue either and tried to place this code on the top line of the .htaccess and adding my URL in where needed.

    RewriteEngine on

    rewritecond %{http_host} ^ [nc]

    rewriterule ^(.*)$$1 [r=301,nc]

    My host recommended that I contact a developer to resolve.

    I suppose we are kinda stuck with it if you or anyone else can not help.




    1. Hello Chris,

      I see that is an example domain owned by your host, so be sure that you replace that with your own domain name. That code template however will simply force the www, but not the https.

      Did you say you tried the examples we have on our article about forcing ssl?

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  13. I have looked everywhere I can think of to find an area that may have been missed and without avail. I tried to force it in the .htaccess but when I did, it brought the whole site down. Then I removed the code to force it to SSL so as to bring it back to where I was.

    Any other Ideas?

    My site is see for yourself. Once loaded it doesnt show SSL but once reloaded/refreshed or selecting another page, it will resolve to SSL



    1. Hello Chris,

      I definitely see the behavior and understand what you are saying. With our testing site, we are not seeing that same behavior. Unfortunately, without access to your site to test, we do not have any other suggestions. You may want to contact your particular hosting support to see if they can look at the individual code on the account.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  14. Thanks Scott,

    Before your reply, I changed the values at the https:// point. I changed https:// to https:// and changed all defines from to and left the value https:// alone. It is working on all pages except the home page but when the page is refreshed it changes from to Any ideas how to make it resolve to by default? 

    Best regards, 


    1. Hello Chris,

      You probably need to change ONE more definition. If you have defined the HTTP path to be HTTP, then it will show with HTTP, not HTTPS. So change this entry and then your site won’t load up in HTTP.

      tutorial on forcing SSL with the .htaccess file.

      Kindest regards,
      Arnel C.

  15. This is what I see,

    What do I need to change?

    // HTTP

    define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’);

    define(‘HTTP_CATALOG’, ‘’);

    define(‘HTTP_IMAGE’, ‘’);

    define(‘HTTP_ADMIN’, ‘’);


    // HTTPS



    define(‘HTTPS_IMAGE’, HTTP_IMAGE);

    define(‘HTTPS_ADMIN’, HTTP_ADMIN);

    1. Hello Chris,

      Currently the HTTPS versions are simply using what is defined in the HTTP version. You can replace the values in the HTTPS for your actual http URLs. For instance, change:
      define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, HTTP_SERVER);
      define(‘HTTPS_SERVER’, ‘’);

      Note that I used your https:// URL in place. That should help you.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  16. I understand that this is the proper way to change the opencart url, However in my config.php it appears as below in the //https area. The same as well in the admin folder.(Without my URL). Any Ideas as to where to go on this? I havent found anyone else with this issue yet and or a resolve. I am using 2.0 opencart. If I try to input the address, it creates an error. 

    // HTTP
    define(‘HTTP_SERVER’, ‘’);
    define(‘HTTP_CATALOG’, ‘’);

    // HTTPS

    1. Hello Chris,

      You will need to change the the URL to the new one wherever you see it, so in both the base config.php and the one located in the admin folder.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

  17. hii i just want to display weight on product page on open cart how can i do that please help me out. i have tried many options available on google do you have any other option. eg (weight=500g or weight= 1kg)

    1. Hello Raj,

      Thank you for your OpenCart question. I have seen people put the product weight in the description, but I could not find a way to display the weight setting on the page by default.

      This means you would have to custom code a solution, or use a 3rd party extensions such as Show Dimension and Weight.

      Thank you,

  18. Thanks for this post. I think this is what I was looking for. Just another question.

    I installed opencart on a subdomain and currently the nameservers for the arent updated to point to (so that I can build it)

    The store URL in settings show as When I finish building the site, if I modify the URL in config to and update the nameservers, will the store be functioning ok ? or should I update NS and install OC after that ? A reply is much appreciated. Cheers.


    1. Hello Vibz,

      Thanks for the question. As long as the config is pointing to the correct URL and the files and database are accessible, then there should be no problem with running your OpenCart installation. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know.

      Arnel C.

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