Creating a 404 error page for OpenCart

Creating a custom page for 404 errors in OpenCart can help you secure your shopping cart. Anyone attempting to access something inappropriately will be automatically re-directed to this page. It’s best practice to provide links back to your store, in case someone reached this page in error.

Simply create a 404.html file in the root of your OpenCart store. You can use file manager to do so. Please see our article on using File Manager in cPanel for more information.

Here’s a simple sample 404.html page we created:

<p>The page you have requested does not exist. Please click on the link below to return to the store's home page:
<a href="/index.php">Return Home

How to Create a 404 Page

  1. Log into cPanel
  2. Click on the File Manager under the Files section.
  3. Navigate to the root directory of your shopping cart
  4. Create the + File button on the top left to create a new file
  5. Name the file “404.html
  6. Open the newly created file with the code editor
  7. Paste the code above into the file
  8. Click “Save

If you need further assistance please feel free to ask a question on our Support Center website

Carrie Smaha
Carrie Smaha Senior Manager Marketing Operations

Carrie enjoys working on demand generation and product marketing projects that tap into multi-touch campaign design, technical SEO, content marketing, software design, and business operations.

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3 thoughts on “Creating a 404 error page for OpenCart

  1. Could you please tell me in which folder this 404.html should be placed in case there are diffrent error pages for diffrent shoppint stores.

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