Changing the osCommerce logo

When you are setting up your osCommerce appearance, you will want to upload your own logo to your site. This article will explain how to upload a custom logo to your osCommerce site.

Below is the default logo for osCommerce.

osCommerce 2.3.3 default logo

To upload a logo that will fit correctly, the store logo must be in PNG format, 200 x 50 pixels, and will be saved as:


  1. Log into your osCommerce Admin dashboard.
  2. Store logo link osCommerce 2.3.3

    Navigate to Configuration > Store Logo.

  3. Upload and save logo osCommerce 2.3.3

    Browse your computer for your logo.

    Click Save.

  4. Success upload osCommerce 2.3.3

    You will see a green Success message.

    View with new logo osCommerce 2.3.3

    Visit your store home page and you should see a new logo like the snapshot to the right.

0 thoughts on “Changing the osCommerce logo

  1. How do I fix the “Top” from going straight through my logo, I also want to center it. I tried to adjust the header sized, but it didn’t help ~ Sheri


    1. Hello Sheri,

      I am not quite certain what it is you are asking. Some more information for reference is needed. If you could provide a link or even a screenshot that may help.

      Kindest Regards,
      Scott M

    1. Hello Tom,

      I am unsure of what you are referring to. Could you clarify your question? Maybe provide a screenshot?

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