Managing Customer Details in OsCommerce

Adding new customers in osCommerce is typically done through the new customer registration interface that the customer can see when viewing your osComemrce storefront. Some of these details can be controlled and edited within the osCommerce administrator. The following tutorial explains how to make changes to the Customer Details in the osCommerce administrator dashboard.

Modifying the Customer Details

  1. Login to the osCommerce Administrator dashboard.
  2. List of editable customer details

    When you login to the Administrator dashboard, you’ll see a menu the left. Scroll down until you find the option labeled CUSTOMER DETAILS. Click on this option and you will see the list of editable customer details.

  3. List of editable customer details

    Click on the first detail listed – Gender. These options are the default customer details that can be edited in the osCommerce installation. You can choose to display them so that a customer can see them during registration or in their account info. After you click on the customer detail labeled Gender, scroll to the right and click on EDIT.

  4. When you edit the customer detail you will see the option to display the detail by selecting either TRUE or FALSE. Select FALSE.
  5. Click on SAVE in order to save your selection.

This completes the tutorial on changing the Customer Details in the osCommerce Administrator dashboard. These options are limited, but should still be considered if you require their removal or addition depending on your customer requirements. The following screenshots show how it looks with the Gender option removed as per the tutorial above.

Screenshot shows Gender option still in Account information

Screenshot shows Gender option removed from Account information

Arnel Custodio Content Writer I

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