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Customers that register into the osCommerce system may sometimes need to have their data modified by an admin in the osCommerce dashboard. This feature of osCommerce is different from managing Customer Details in that you are modifying the actual customer information as opposed to the form fields. The following article explains how to find and make changes to the stored customer information using the osCommerce interface.
Editing Customers in osCommerce
- Log into your osCommerce Admin dashboard.
When you are logged into the Administrator, look in the menu on the left. Click on Customers and the menu will expand. Then click on Customers (again) in the menu option that appears. You will see the registered customer list. Note: If you don’t have one, create a test user by logging into your osCommerce store and creating a test user.
Action Description EDIT Modify the customer information stored in the osCommerce database. DELETE Delete a registered customer. A confirmation will be asked before a customer is deleted. ORDERS View the list of the orders including the order total, date of purchase and status. EMAIL Create an email message for your customer. Click on the EDIT button in order to view the information for a customer. All required information is clearly noted with a “*Required“. Simply click in the field to change the information that requires editing.
- Click on SAVE in the bottom right hand corner in order to commit your changes, or click on CANCEL in order go back to your list of registered customers.
This completes the tutorial on changing Customer Information within the osCommerce Administrator dashboard. If you require further information on customer registration please go to: Managing Customer Details in Oscommerce or Understanding Customer Registration in osCommerce.