Deleting categories and products in osCommerce

As you work with your added categories and products, you may eventually have the need to remove obsolete or discontinued items as opposed to rearranging them. Follow the instructions below as we discuss how to remove them from within the osCommerce admin interface.

How to remove categories and products in osCommerce

  1. Log into your osCommerce admin interface.
  2. click catalog menu option

    Using the left hand menu, find and click the Catalog button.

  3. Next, click on the Categories/Products option.
  4. confirm item deletion

    This leads you to the Categories/Products page. From there, click on the row for the category or product with which you want to work. An arrow will appear on the far right side of the row. Next to that you will see several buttons. Click on the Delete button.

  5. click delete button

    osCommerce will ask for a confirmation of the deletion. If you are certain you want to delete the item, click on the Delete button to finalize its removal.

    before item deletion

    after item deletion

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