As an administrator you will have control over what features the moderators, users, and administrators have access to. You can enable or disable the different tabs for each of these groups via the Administrator Control Panel (ACP). Users of each group will then only have access to each tab tab is enabled for their aprticular group. Follow the steps below to manage the different group tabs in your phpBB 3.0 website.
Managing the access tabs in phpBB 3.0
- Log into your phpBB admin dashboard.
- From there, click on the System tab.
- From the System tab, check the left hand sidebar and find the Module Management section. From here you will see the different Control Panels you can manage. Click on the link for the group you wish to manage.
Adminstration Control Panel Admin controls are only accessible by the Administrative Group. User Control Panel User controls. These are accessible by any group as this is the lowest level group. Moderator Control Panel Moderator controls are accessible by those from the Moderator and Adminstrative groups. - Each group has its own Module Management page where you will see all the tabs available to the group. In the example below you can see we selected the Moderator Control Panel because the title of the table says MCP. The Admin group will say ACP and the User group will say UCP. Look for the name of the tab you wish to work with. The second column tells whether the tab is enabled or disabled by displaying the action it will take if clicked. For example, any module that is currently enabled will have a Disable link next to it and any module that is currently inactive will have an Enable link next to it. Click on the link next to the tab you wish to work on. In our example, we are going to disable the Warnings tab. Be careful when disablng tabs as an Administrator as you can lock yourself out of the Module Management.
- By using our example, you can see the effects by logging into the Moderator Control Panel (MCP) and viewing the tabular menu across the top of the screen. The Warning tab should not be visible. Below is a before and after screenshot for clarity.
Before After