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How to manage post settings in phpBB 3.0

When acting as the administrator of a forum such as your phpBB site, you will want to customize the behavior of posts. This allows a custom feel for your site as well as enabling features you want your members to have access to, or disabling options you want to limit. Below are explanations of the different parameters and options for your posts that are found in your phpBB 3.0 administrative section.

Managing and editing post settings in phpBB 3.0

  1. Log into your phpBB admin dashboard.
  2. From there, click on the General tab if the screen is not already focused on it.
  3. From the General tab you will see there several categories on the left hand sidebar. Click on the Post settings link found under the Board Configuration category.
    click on post settings option

  4. This leads you to the Post Settings page, which is divided into two separate sections. The first is the general options section, which allows you to enable and disable specific attributes of post settings. The second area is the posting settings, which are customizable parameters forpost behavoir.
    list of post setting options

    Allow subscribing to topicsSelect Yes to allow members the ability to subscribe to topics of their choice.
    Allow subscribing to forumsIf enabled, allows members to subscribe to forums of their choice.
    Allow BBCodeAllows BBCode to be used in posts and private messages.
    Allow use of [FLASH] BBCode tag in postsSpecifically allows the use of the [FLASH] BBCode tag for embedding flash into a post or message.
    Allow smiliesSetting to Yes will allow the use of emoticons in posts and private messages.
    Allow links in posts/private messagesAllows the use of hyperlinks in posts and messages when enabled.
    Allow disabling of word censoringIf activated, users will be allowed to turn off word censoring for posts and messages they view.
    Allow bookmarking topics Allows members to bookmark favorite topics for quick navigation later on.
    Enable spambot countermeasures for guest posting If enabled, forces guest posters to use anti-spambot measures (captcha) when posting.
    Allow quick reply Enables the quick reply option for posting.

    post settings parameters list

    Limit editing timeThe amount of time a member has to edit their post. Setting this field to 0 disables theis feature.
    Limit deleting timeThe amount of time a user has to delete a new post. As above, setting this feature to 0 will disable it.
    Display last edited time informationIf enabled, displays the last edited information for a post.
    Flood intervalThe time that a user must wait in between posts.
    Bump intervalThe amount of time (minutes, hours, days) that a post must wait before it can be bumped.
    Topics per pageThe number of topics displayed per page.
    Posts per pageThe number of posts displayed per page.
    Smilies per pageThe number of smilies (emoticons) displayed per page.
    Popular topic thresholdThe number of posts required to be considered a popular topic.
    Maximum number of poll optionsSets the maximum number of options allowed per poll.
    Maximum characters per post/messageMaximum number of characters allowed per post or private message.
    Minimum characters per post/messageMinimum number of characters allowed per post or private message.
    Maximum smilies per postThe maximum number of smilies allowed per post.
    Maximum links per postThe maximum number of links a member is allowed to include in their post.
    Maximum font size per postSets the maximum allowed font size for a post.
    Maximum nesting depth for quotesSets the max allowable depth for nesting quotes (quoting within quotes)
    Maximum image width per postSets the maximum allowed width (in pixels) for images in a post.
     Maximum image height per postSets the maximum allowed height (in pixels) for images in a post.
  5. Once you have configured your settings to your liking, click on the Submit button to save your new post settings.

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